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20 Minutes Past The Agreed Time, Jade of The Orient, Derry, Maine

Laycey stood in the doorway of the party room at the restaurant. She was blocking the four men from trying to leave for the past thirty minutes. Bill, Richie, Eddie, and Stan stood in front of her, but didn't dare move to try and get past her after what happened the first time something like this went down.

"As I have told you seven times now you boys are going to put your big boy dicks on and go sit and wait, or I am going to filet each of you layer by layer. And the skin and meat will be fed to my fucking dogs!" the platinum blonde grits out with pure anger. Laycey was annoyed that Mike had basically kept her out of the loop with everything, and she was already slightly furious with the four men before the dinner, because she knew Lorie wouldn't just show up at her house in tears begging her to not contact her boys out of nowhere.

Laycey knew for a fact that one or all of them were the reason her sister was sad. And with Lorie not there to be a buffer, it was a free for all. She was a little sensitive to emotions at this point due to the worrying and stress from Lorie, and the constant state of sleep deprivation, which made her more dangerous to the boys.

Richie took a small step forward and jutted his chin out in defiance. No way was he going to let her get to him.

"Laycey, we aren't afraid of you anymore. We are all grown ass adults and you can't keep us here. We all want to leave. She's not coming. Let us go!"

Laycey just quirked an eyebrow and smirked before gesturing to the space beside him where the other three were. Richie glanced over and saw that they weren't actually standing there anymore. Bill, Stan, and Eddie had all rushed away to do what Laycey told them to do. Richie groaned when he saw them sitting at the table, eating their sushi.

"And I stand corrected." He says before going to join the others as well. Laycey got her way, as always.

"Okay so before I rip you four a new asshole in your stomach, I wanna know what happened to her that made her come to my house in tears." Laycey glares at the four, her words laced with venom. The other three people, Beverly's, Ben's, and Mike's attention moves to them. They look nervous and sad, before Stan speaks.

"Eddie! It's Eddie! It's his fault!" Eddie's eyes went comically wide, and his heart went erratic at the glare that Laycey was giving him. She rose slowly, and gritted her teeth.

"What did you do Edasswad? I need to know to determine your cause of death." She growls angrily. Eddie squeaks and rushes behind Richie to hide.

Laycey lunges towards him, to wring his neck, but Mike steps forward. He wasn't feeling like bailing his wife out of jail for assault again. So he wrapped his arms around her midsection, and hugged her to him. But before she could rip out of his grip, she is interrupted by the hostess.

"Mr. Hanlon, the last of your party is here."


Lorie's Apartment, 30 Minutes Before

"Okay Robin, Janelle will be here in about forty-five minutes. Are you sure you can man the house until she comes?" Lorie stumbles into the room where her daughter sits drawing a hummingbird. She's dabbing on the last bit of makeup she can to cover the permanent bruises on her neck, and making sure her dress and jewelry cover up what the makeup wouldn't for the meeting tonight. Her stomach was already queasy because of seeing Laycey with the lack of baby bump in her abdomen. She loves Laycey, but it wasn't fair. Why did she have to lose her boys and EJ? She was just as good a person as Laycey was, in fact she was a better person in most cases. So why does Laycey get her happy ever after, and she gets pain and suffering. The thought of that, and the fact that she was about to see Mike and Laycey after about seven months of avoidance made her extremely nervous.

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