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30 minutes later

Mike drives Lorie to the Derry Library and helps her out of the car when they park.

"The Library?" the blonde questions in confusion, only to get a gentle nudge on her back as her response.

Mike leads her to his large office in the attic. As soon as she enters the room, she looks around in awe of the old books and weird looking things scattered all over the bookshelves and tables.

"This is your office Mike?" Lorie asks Mike who walks to his fridge to grab a pitcher of water.

"Yeah, Mrs. Shoemaker said I could make it my own when I took over as lead librarian. Make yourself at home. Can I get you some water?" he asks the woman. She nods and accepts the glass handed to her and immediately takes a gulp.

She notices an odd taste to the liquid but just chalked it down as a little dust from the old books. Mike makes himself a glass and he sets it down and begins to persuade Lorie with what he knows.

"So, listen, memory's the thing. It's the key. It's the key to all of this. And you. You are a huge part of it too." Mike starts, and Lorie cuts him off,

"Wait- If It really does want us back here, want me back here wouldn't the smartest thing to do be getting the hell out of Derry?" Lorie questions dumbly. Mike shakes his head and walks closer to her.

"No, No, No. It does want us back! And it really wants you back. It wouldn't have defaced and destroyed the mural if he wasn't particularly longing for you! But Lorie, it doesn't know what I know!" Mike rambles crazily, making the blonde pregnant girl furrowed her eyebrows in concern.

"And what do you know?" Lorie questions hesitantly, completely ignoring the part about the mural for now.

"I know how to kill the shit out of it!" the dark-skinned man exclaims, before walking back, gesturing to things on the table before him. Lorie raised her eyebrows in bewilderment.

"I have read every book. I-I've interviewed everyone in this fucked up town- everyone that would talk to me anyway and that-that's not a long list, I know. But it wasn't enough, I had to know how this all started. How It started." Mike grabbed an old block of leather off of the table, and walked to Lorie again, and handed it to her.

"And this is how it all started."

"Woah." Lorie examines it, trying to focus on what it is, the room becoming fuzzy.

"What am I looking at Mike?"

"Early 18th-century Shokopiwah."

"This is so cool. Where did you get this?" Lorie spoke slowly, her vision starting to get hazy.

"I- uh I found it in the- Well no no they actually gave it to me- okay Laycey stole it." Mike admits sheepishly. Lorie immediately looks up, in disbelief.

"Laycey stole it? From Native Americans? Why am I actually surprised." the young blonde rolls her eyes at the thought of her sister from another mister doing something like this. Mike looks at the artifact again.

"It's complicated." Lorie rolls her eyes in slight annoyance.

"Yeah. M'sure it is." Mike started to grow a little agitated, the need to explain everything making him want to burst.

"Listen, you don't get it. They helped me on my journey. They showed me things- a vision if you will- through this!" he points to the object. Lorie's head starts to pound and her mind goes foggy.

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