11. Gem Drill

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Steven's P.O.V.

After what happened on mask island, I jolted awake. And the ground was still shaking so bad that the ground started to crack open. Then the chalkboard that was outside fell over and read: "Cluster emerges, bye bye Earth." It caused me to scream before I saw Peridot ready to use the drill.

Peridot: If you're done just laying there, maybe it's about time we stop the world from ending! Where are the others?!

Steven: They're stuck on mask island, so we need to drill without them!

Then I climbed up the ladder to get to the drills cockpit. Peridot was really annoyed by what I just said. But we both knew that we had no time to waste right now. But Peridot was still upset about the news regardless.

Peridot: AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE MEANING OF TEAMWORK?! Ok Steven, are you ready to drill down into the planet, to depths never before reached by your species, to stop the cluster before it forks and saves your world!?

Steven: I don't know!

Peridot: Don't say that! Say "we're do it together and it's gonna be great!"

Steven: We're do it together and it's gonna be great!

Peridot: LIAR!

That's when the ground started shaking even harder. The ladder was about to fall apart, so we quickly got in. And as we did, Peridot started it up and we both got ready. We knew that it was either going to be now or never.

Peridot: Ready or not, we've got a mission to do.

So with that, we started to drill down into the Earth. And it wasn't going fast enough, so Peridot increased the speed to the drill. It took me by surprise, but I was able to getmt comfortable after a couple moments. And I was ready to save the word from being destroyed.

Steven: Bracing for impact.

Peridot: It's actually another two hours.

Steven: Oh, wish I brought some tunes.

That's when Peridot had flipped some switch to play music. It was like a nice bit of elevator music playing and it calmed my nerves slightly. So I thanked Peridot and waited as we continued to drill to the cluster. But there were so many thoughts going through my mind right now too.

Steven: It's kind of freaky down here.

Peridot: How's that?

Steven: It's just dark, and cramped, and I can't even stretch out.

That's when the drill started to shake as we kept on drilling. And after a few moments, it had stopped and I was left to my thoughts. I was also so worried about how the others were doing over on mask island. But that's when a question had come to mind.

Steven: So wait, how were you planning on getting the others in here?

Peridot: I don't know, they'd shrink down or something. But we really didn't have much time to plan it out.

Steven: What is the plan?

Peridot: Well we have a drill, so we're going to drill. Get ready, we're about to penetrate the asthenosphere!

That's when we finished drilling through the rock. And I was surprised by the fact that we were now drilling through lava. I started to get a little more nervous for many reasons now. The main one being whether or not the drill could handle lava or not.

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