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"1...2...3...4" I counted the steps I heard. 56...57...58...59...60". I desperately waited for the 146th step. From mine and my brothers room to mom's no not mom. "145...146...147...148" too many. I heard the steps get louder,closer."BAM,BAM,BAM" The door shook. My brother grabbing my arm,we ran to the closet. We forced ourselves in.We waited quietly. Don't move, don't speak. The door flew open. A woman grabbed at my arm harshly and pulled me out.


"YOU LITTLE SHIT! WHY DO YOU HIDE FROM ME!?" She had a metal pole in her hand as she hit me multiple times. Blood began splashing on the floor. Blood ran down my limbs. I couldn't move.I watched her start hitting my brother. Using him as a punching bag.
Stop,no more,stop.
That's when it happened the crimson blood running down my body began forming. They looked like snakes, tentacles. Like long points for fingers of the monster we feard under our beds. They grabbed her. Then my brother grabbed me. Her ran out the door. Then I fainted

((No more))

I layed in a bed. There was covering on me. My mother sat beside me.  No, I thought we got away
The doctor came in with a worried look. "She should be more careful. Yes the trama activate her quirks but it's to early. The police are looking for the kids that did this to her right now"

She looked down at me with a smile.That turned to a smerk when the doc left."If you ever pull some shit like that on me again. I'll kill you."

a gorgeous lie and a painful truthWhere stories live. Discover now