wake up

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     I slowly open my eyes. The overhead lights blinded me. There was a soft buzzing in the room. I try and turn my head but a wave of pain took over. I hissed at the pain .

"Tzuki?..." I hear a hushed voice. The person came over and looked at me. "D-nki" I barely mumbled out. His hair was tied back, he had bags under his eyes and he was in a hoodie and baggy pants. He looked like he hadn't slept . I felt bad for making him worry

"Bakugo will be here soon don't worry..." He said putting his hand up to my face and moving my hair.

Time skip

"Mitzuki!!" My brother came running over to me. And he pulled me into a hug, completely unaware of denki behind him. I was sitting up so it wasn't hard for him to hug me. I could hear him quietly sobbing into my gown. "k-katsuki" I said. My voice cracked and I slowly put my hand on his head. I started to cry with him.

After we calmed down I had some questions.

"What happened"
"A pro hero shot you in the stomach..."

"How long was I out"
"4 weeks"

"What about school"
"The festival is in 2 weeks"

I just looked out the window with my hand on my stomach. The gun hole was gone. Apparently the school nurse was coming on the daily to heal it and that's why I was out for so long. Her quirk did a good job at healing me but not without the exspince of it taking any stamina that I had.

I started going back to school and catching up on the weeks of work I missed. Bye day 5 I was doing lots of training for the sports festival. In my spare time I mainly did alterations to my costume.

There were two many straps and the boots did nothing to help my movement because they where heavy. The fabric was just to simple and not strong enough. To much skin was showing, my stomach needed support so nothing happens again. And my goggles need tweaking.

I wanted to make a perfect fabric for myself. I was originally going to make a costume myself but the school insisted. I talked to nezo and he said I could make one but it would have to be tested by several teachers.

I was sitting in class. It was our free period. I was sitting at my desk with my tools. The were neatly set up, just small tools. I also had a lamp that bonus was a magnifying glass. I had a special type of fabric in my hand with a tool picking at it a bit and adjusting it. My brother,mina,denki,deku,and his two friends where all crowded around my desk.

"What are you doing Tzuki?" Mina asked.

"I'm working on a special fabric. It's made from Part of my own DNA. It also had special micros in it that re-stich themselves so then it gets cut it re builds on its self. But that only way it can cut is with a special blade that only I will have. To others it's bulletproof. This is because the fabric was intertwined with a special string I made that is very complicated. The Fabrice also had my DNA in it witch can allow it to move with my blood and part of the reason that the fabric restiched itself. There's a lot more to it but I don't want to soil the fun." I said trying to dumbefy it to there understanding.

Everyone looked bumbfound. "She's always been like that,danm nerd" katsuki layed his hand in my hair and ruffled it. I stayed focused on my fabric and just swatted his hand away. "If I didn't know any better she's more of a nerd then deku" I heard him give a low laugh.

Mina walked around to the other side of my desk where my water was and accidentally knocked it over. The water got on my equipment and shocked me. I dropped the fabric and retracted my hand. I hissed at the stinging pain. "God danm it." I mumbled under my breath moving stuff while mina bowed and kept apologizing. Katsuki layed a rag on the table to cl an the water and I kept telling Mina that it was ok and not to worry about it. Denki grabbed my hand and brought it up to his face to see the flared up skin. He reached into his bag and put an otment on my hand with a band aid.

The pain instantly resided and left my hand. I looked back up at Denki. He had been leaning over me and when I lifted my head I pumped it on his. We both retracted and held on to our heads. "Owww..." I whined a bit. Everyone laughed at us.

School came to an end quickly. They are giving us the next few days off to train. Katsuki imiditly left school to train. Denki came up to me after school.  "Hey uh Tzuki do you maybe want to go get ice cream " He said leaning his elbow on the wall while hovering over me.

"I would love too" denki didnt hesitate to grab my hand. I could feel my face heat up and I get all flustered. Denki was considerably bigger then me much like my other class mates. It's a family thing even katsuki is kinda short for a guy his age. But katsuki probly stunted his hight from leaning so much.

Denki's fingers in twined with mine as he lead the way. "D-denki... what happend when I was out? Katsuki seems different."

Over the few days I noticed my brother is a acting weird. He seems more on edge and even quicker to get upset and he's constantly keeping me to his side. I'm surprised I managed to get away from him at the end of school. 

"I think your brother is just worried.  You where out for a while and honestly no one knew if you would 100% make it. Bakugo went to the hospital everyday after school. He was even there on the weekends." There was a moment of silence. Then he continues ,"me and kirishima,sero,and mina visited as much as we could.  Midoria and his friends too. Hell even tokoyami and Koda. Mineta tried to visit but bakugo was quick to get rid of him." We both laughed.

We walked up to a Cafe and walked in. It had red booths against the walls with windows and a few lines of wooden tables. We walked up to the counter and looked in the display cases and looked at the verity of snack cakes that were in the shapes of clouds,dogs and flowers.

We picked out the icecream we wanted. Denki go chocolate ice cteam with a cone and i got great divide with a cone. We walked nack oit and shamlessly denki held my hand agine. The street was a buch of diffrent shops lined together.

We walked the streets and looked at the display cases and decorations. We walked by one store that we decided to go in. When waking in my eyes diverted imiditly to stuffed animals that were on a big wooden shelf. I walked over to if and denki followed. I pointed to a Pikachu and we both giggled. Denki grabbed something and tucked it to his pocket but I ignored it. "I'm going to use the bathroom really quick." He walked away and I kept looking at the plushes. 

I grabbed the Pikachu which was about the hight of a textbook and was really fluffy. I looked around and couldn't see denki so I ran to the counter and quickly payed for the Pikachu.

We walked out the store and I handed the Pikachu to denki. "I got it for you..." I looked down and messed with the hem of my skirt. I could hear him giggle a bit before my body is pulled and wrapped the the comforting arms of denki.

We stepped away from the hug and denki reached into his pockets.

I gasped .


Sitting in the palm of his hand was a fluffy white spider pludh with red stripes and dots on it. It had 5 beady eyes. I put it up to my cheek. "Awww"

After completely funding over the stuffed spider denki walked me to the hotel me and bakugo were staying at.

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