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"wake up tsuki" my brother snakes me awake and yelled me to get ready for school.
" I don't want to go." "Too bad" "angry Pomeranian" "octopus"
"Guys stop fighting please" deku saids and sighs. We get ready and all run down the hall to the kitchen.
"Here you go" aunty says and hands us our breakfast. I got a coffee and a breakfast burrito. Katsuki gets water and sandwich and deku has apple juice and a toast.

We run out the door saying our byes to aunty.

" I wonder what we are doing today." I said to my brother" hero training" deku says.

We walk in and a bunch of kids are talking and walking around.

Me and my brother walk up to a group

Sero- tape quirk. Tape come out of his elbows

Kirishima- hardening quirk. Skin become hard and sharp

Denki kaminari- electricity quirk.

Mina ashido- aside quirk.

"Hey,hey" an electric blond said to us. "Hi" I said back. I quickly sit down and grab my book. Mina quickly takes interest in my book and makes an attempt to read it. She can't. "You read in a different language?" She asks tilting her head. "Yeah. I started learning different languages at a relatively young age" I said. "Wow. What languages do you know? She said with sparkling eyes."English, japanese, Russian, Spanish,french,and I'm learning Korean." She looks at me in awe.

"Your so cool" "thanks". I pull out the same book but in a japanese copy so she can read it to.

"We will do hero training today" our teacher said. And out comes part of our class wall with our hero costume.

I followed mina and momo to the changing room. I unbotton my shirt and slip it off. Not aware of my bandages."what happened to you" jiro ask. I keep my cool and say" I was in a bike accident last week" and with that they continue there dressing.

I finally got done putting my costume on and looked in the mirror. I hate my costume. But I have to have it like this with my quirk. I could see scars. From training and from mom. I put them off and walk out.

I was with denki and mina vs. me and momo as heros.

"Ok momo this is my idea. I want you to make a cloke to protect yourself from electricity. They can't have denki protection the weapon bc his quirk would Fri it if he tryed fighting. All you should have to do is tier him out and his brain will Fri. I'll take care of mina. I can fight from a farther distance and restraint her." " Wow tsuki that's a really good idea but how do you come up with it that fast?" " Well I'm friends with both of them and spend a lot of time with them so I watch there quirks and there fighting skills. I try to be as absurvent as possible" " wow. No wonder you where let in on record" " you where to momo and I know why your smart it plays a big part in the fact that your quirk can't always be the most affective"

We wait in a hall for denki. He comes running. Momo drapes the cloke over her. And I run. I cut my back and release blood. I form the blood in to spider like legs and use them to climb the building. I see mina waiting so I go around to the other side. And slip in tro the window. The floor was covers in asid. Shit.

My finger hits the asid causing me to strike my hand back and hiss in pain. Mina herd it and spins aroused shooting asid at me. I use the formed blood to get across and slip on the ground hitting my rid. That really hurt. She shoots around using asid on the bottom of her shoes. I crawl without hitting the ground. We go back and forth shooting at each other. The floor is falling in from asid. That's not good but helpful at the same time. I'll have to wait till it falls in. She will go down with it. I could climb the wall and ceiling but she just shoots me from up. I cut my hand on a corner beam and slip a line of blood around the room that way when the floor fallen in I can tightn my blood around the weapon and pull it to me. My blood is strong but It means a constant strain on my muscles. My blood can lift 2x the wight I can. I can lift about 254 now. I'll have to wait. But I don't want Mina to get hurt. I look out the window and see momo draging Denki out. Good I do a nother string around mina where she doesn't notice them. The the flood caves in and I tighten the string. Picking her and the weapon. I hit the weapon and drag me and mina out.

It felt like hours. But it was only 10min43 second.

"God tsuki is a monster" "yah" "stfu, you don't know me I'm just good at wat I do."

Don't call me a monster. A monster is my mom not me. I'm not her. I'm not her. Shut up.shut up. Shut up.

I shouldn't be set off like that Keep your cool. 1...2...3... Count. Count.count. I'll be fine.

My brother puts his hand on my shoulder and tell off the people talking about me. He knew. Of course he did. He is my twin after all

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