Chapter 10

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Izuku wakes up first, his internal clock never letting him sleep past 9 am. He feels warmer than usual, a good kind of warm that makes him want to stay in bed all day. When he turns his head, does he then see you, cuddled close to his side. Your hand, with fingers curled, rests against his chest, almost like you're feeling his heartbeat.

He tilts his head to gaze at your sleeping face, instinctively brushing some hair behind your ear to get a better look. His eyes wander over your features, moving from your soft lips to your cute nose to then look at your closed eyes, your eyelashes rested gently on your colorful cheeks.

A smile falls onto his face. How did he get so lucky?

He leans back, head against the pillow, and contemplates getting up. Of course, he doesn't want to, but he feels his stomach begins to grumble, and the call for food is slowly growing. So reluctantly, he carefully untangles his legs from yours and, with a soft kiss to your forehead, exits the bedroom to go make something to eat.

You wake up sometime later, the smell of eggs and bacon filling your nose. You grab your phone from the nightstand and look at the time, 9:45 am. With a sigh and quick stretch, you get out of bed, readjust the covers, so the bed is semi-made, and then pad your way into the kitchen.

You rub your eyes at the sudden change in lights, and as you look up, Izuku is at the stove, moving around the eggs with a spatula. At the noise of your shuffling feet, Izuku turns to you with a smile.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Izuku says, setting a plate of toast on the table.

You smile back and meet him over my the table, "good morning."

Izuku was practically finished with the eggs, so after he moves them from the pan and onto another plate, you both dig in. He did a really nice job, especially with what he had. Scrambled eggs, toast, and a plate of bacon are laid out along with a carton of orange juice. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you started eating. After you guys are done, you continue to talk and formulate your plans for the break. The break is a week-long so you plan to make the most of that time away from U.A.

You both decide that meeting up on Tuesday would be good since it gives you both plenty of time to relax at home with friends and family. It's not like you guys are tired of each other or anything, it's actually quite the opposite, but deciding to give each other some space to connect back with your hometowns for a few days was something you both mutually agreed on.

When you see each other on Tuesday, the plan is to meet halfway and spend the afternoon visiting a cider mill to do all the fun Halloween things like picking pumpkins, eating cinnamon sugar donuts, drinking apple cider, and going on a hayride.

It's now a quarter past 11, and you plan to leave at around noon, so you decide it's time to head out. Izuku takes you back, and he offers to stay and help you get ready to leave. You know the real reason he would want to stay, and even though you appreciate it, you know Tomura wouldn't dare come back so soon. So after several minutes of saying goodbye and many kisses, he leaves. After grabbing the things that you packed yesterday and making sure your apartment is clean, you lock the door and start the drive home.

The drive is actually not as bad as you thought it was going to be. Even though it was about 4 hours, you were able to spend the time listening to an audiobook that you'd been meaning to read. It's a murder mystery, so it kept you very engaged throughout the whole car ride. You're about halfway done when you pull into your house's driveway, but you know that you'll be able to finish it when you drive home at the end of the break.

As you pull in, you see your parents' car also in the driveway, and excitement buzzes in your stomach. You haven't seen them in several weeks so you quickly park, unbuckle, and walk through the garage, deciding to get your stuff later after you say hi.

We Met Over Coffee (Izuku Midoriya x Y/N) Cafe/College AUWhere stories live. Discover now