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Looking around, i see a girl
Shes small and timid
But soft and radiant
Hearing the laughter of her family
Out In the other room
She sits quietly,
Content and lonely.
Surrounded by birds who sing
At dawn and dusk
Surrounded by the light of a sunrise and sunset
She's comfortable in the worlds that surround her
She's known happiness and glory,
Sorrow and loss,
Knows the ghost of holding a knife
Against an enemy throat
Shes cheated death, has been in chains
Felt loved in a way one dreams exists
Shes fallen for princes and villains alike.
After all, whats the difference-
The whole story is hidden.
She's saved castles and countries,
Stolen jewels from a man
Used her body to seduce the
But fell in love in the end.
She has a taste for danger
Longs for the hilt of her dagger
And realizes the story has come to an end
Whether she knows it or not
Her experiences remain
And a little piece of each character
Soaks forever into her skin.

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