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its so easy to slip back into old habits

to snort a line

to pop a pill

it is so easy to pull that blue bag from its spot on the top shelf in my closet

to reach for the blade that's inside

to lose myself in your eyes.

its so easy to let the vices do the talking

but I realize I was in a really bad place.

I didn't recognize myself in the mirror

though she wore the same face.

her eyes were dull and the spark had went away

she became what she always swore she'd hate

I fucked up back then

but I wont fuck up today

I'll put my vices away

keep them locked in a box

and give the keys away

these realizations stare me in the face

but even as I have my bad days

I can't bring myself to slip back into my old ways

not completely

a little here

a little there

a little wont matter

no one will notice because they wont care

i'm tired of sitting down while I shower

because it takes too much effort to wash my hair

all I have is myself

but I don't know if it's the version of me I've grown to hate

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