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Ripping thro ugh my skin
Peeling layer by layer
Gutting my stomach
And savaging every organ in my throat
From my teeth
And the emptiness I feel from all the things I eat
That make me hungrier and hungrier
Never satisfied
The feeling the feeling the feeling
Of hunger
And a sour taste of disintegration
And hungry
Always hungry and hungry
Scratchy throat
Dry, bitter
For chaos
For destruction
Of my identity
Being torn apart
By someone else's judgements
The feeling of pills going down my throat
As fire starts under my eye on my skin
It's scorching
It's hot
It's everything I feel when I'm with you
Sensually yours
My body
Is yours to own
I want to feel that arch of my spine
The tension of my calves
Losing all feeling
Except where your skin
Is touching mine
Your lips
Kissing down my body
Long hair falling over pillows
As we reach our limit
And explode

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