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A girl in a beach shack
Enticing as she stands there
Looking at you
With nothing but lust
The viewer
Watching through love and adoration
That longing feeling that something is wrong
Shes not there
Shes not yours
And illusions have clouded your mind
Knowing you're not together
Rather, You're oceans away
You grow cold in temperature and your skin?
Pale blue
You're not looking at the person
Not here 
not now
Shes not on your radar
Hasn't been Since you shut her out
You're looking at a picture
Of who she is now.
Confident, alluring, crazy
Not showing
You leaving made her die inside
Shes broken and torn
Hidden behind a vast wall
Gone is the girl you knew
A skeleton she became
All her skin is gone
Her airways, wide open
Feeling crawling down her throat
Rough hot and miserable
As though throwing up
Was a better option
But you wanted option c
And you see her standing there the way you left her
All those years ago
Leaned over a pile of vomit
And crushing her phone to her chest
Her face crunched up in tears
Letting her cell get wet
In one hand Shes reading the last text
You sent
The other holds a bottle of vodka,
Half gone, most of it down her throat
You hear her whimpers and realize
You're not looking at her
You're looking at her picture.

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