10 Things i love about you

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1. Loving you was as easy as breathing; effortless. I didn't even have to think about it.
2. Your eyes show an emotion when you look at me and it's one that I've only read about in novels.
3. I love how much you care about your friends and help out where you can, even if you're sick of their shit.
4. I love your smile because it makes me smile.
5. You made me laugh in ways I've only laughed as a child.
6. Your laughter is my favourite genre of music. It reached parts of me i never knew existed.
7. I love how your arm goes out in front of me when you break too hard. Maybe because you care about whether I'm alive or not.
8. Sleeping next to you makes me feel safe. Less afraid of what lays in the dark, as though nothing can touch me.
9. You've seen me at some of my lowest and you still love me. You haven't run.
10. I love that despite everything going on in your life, you still find time for me.

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