
17 4 0

Dark, hot, bitter
French vanilla or hazlenut-choose your poison
First cup when I wake, envious of the one that kisses your lips every morning
The one that isn't me
I dont understand i cant process how you can love someone that doesnt know you exist
And you're the sugar in my cup that
I cant seem to get enough of
It's an obsession, this feeling
The addiction
You used to be my cup in the morning
And you said my lips tasted like those of vanilla chapstick
Where the smoothness of you
Washed over my tongue
And I couldn't taste the coffee grinds in the water whenever you kissed me
Nobody handles it well without changing some part of it
You change it. Molding it into what you want it to be
What you want it to taste like
I loved the taste of it, smooth as it flows against my lips
The taste of French vanilla and sweetness
But one day, you ran out of sugar
And it was no longer sweet
You ran out of rich, flavoured cream
Now all that's left is the dark, bitter taste of my lips against yours
And you dont like the fact that you can't
Mold me into something I'm not anymore
You leaving me, was like finding out
That someone else drank the last cup of

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