01 | Head Strike

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"Then the dread of red bloomed, 

and I knew that we were doomed."

- e.k.

a/n: that edit thing is so cringe, but the others are better, I promise, lol

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a/n: that edit thing is so cringe, but the others are better, I promise, lol


"Astaghfirullah," Adara Farah murmured under her breath, grabbing my hand and pulling us away from the bleachers. "This will not be tolerated. It will not."

Dawn Robbins clicked her tongue in annoyance, trailing behind us.

"I didn't say I'd actually date your cousin, I was just saying he was not bad looking-" She tried to defend herself, but Adara cut her off.

"I said no!" She let go of my wrist and turned around to face Dawn.

Dawn rolled her light brown eyes, and her eyelashes made her brown bangs flicker. She parted her lips in disbelief, humour taking over her expression. She was only annoying Adara because it was her love language. She loved to have a pick at her friends - me and Adara. Any other person she irritated was purely because she didn't like them. And she liked no one else but us. 

"Okay, first of all, you should know that Gabriel is not my type," Dawn held up a finger, speaking firmly. "He's too soft for me. I'll scare him off. You know that."

Adara sighed deeply, nodded firmly to our best friend's words. Her light pink hijab shifted against her shoulder as she tilted her head to the side, hearing Dawn out. That's the type of person she was. Always hearing people out, even when they were in the wrong. She liked for things to be fair and just. I always thought she'd make a great lawyer. It was her passion, she told me once. 

"Second of all, I don't go for guys at this school," Dawn's hand rested on her hip, adjusting the bottom of her band t-shirt.

"Yeah, you scare them all off," Adara bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing.

Dawn turned her eyes to me, mischievously grinning. "Serenity on the other hand-"

Adara looked at me curiously, trying to solve some puzzle in her head. "Yeah, I can see it, actually."

Dawn nodded, folding her arms across her chest. "Mhm, me too."

"Still not happening, though," Adara mumbled, and Dawn shot her a glare.

I stared at them, confused. I was always confused, but it was okay because they dealt with it and had the patience for me. They were used to my dozing off, especially in the last few months. I blamed it on the mental exhaustion of school that kept me silent most of the time.

"What?" I asked cluelessly, facing both of them.

"Dammit," Dawn flicked my shoulder. "Gotta stop zoning out on us, Seren."

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