07 | Just Watch

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"how beautiful are our blushes."

- e.k.

a/n: I did these edits (^) bc I was bored, and now I'm obsessed and going to keep them :)

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a/n: I did these edits (^) bc I was bored, and now I'm obsessed and going to keep them :)


By the time the sun went down and the moon had taken its place in the sky, the sound of birds chirping was replaced with the revving of engines as the street lined up with cars.

River may have known I'd gone, but he didn't call to confirm. I didn't blame him. He didn't want to get involved in any other illegal activity, as he told me. I understood that. After what happened with Zion, we all agreed to take a breather.

That was only a month ago. I couldn't stand the stillness of peace in my body. It needed a break from the silence. I needed adrenaline, a burst of chaos that disrupted the repetitive minutes of my overthinking.

It would help.


Someone shouted my name, and I sighed, pulling the hoodie away from my head. It was no use hiding now.

"Chancey," I greeted the brunette as he smiled my way.

He was on my football team - like most of the people crowding the street. We'd known each other for quite some time and were only friends because of our similar interest in the sport. He was loyal though, and it only made him a better friend.

"What are you doing out here? Like, I'm glad you're here. You haven't been out in a long time, but here? Are you sure, man? Even after what happened with Rob-"

"I'm good. Don't worry about me," I interrupted him, using my hand to slightly slap his shoulder.

"Yeah. I guess as long as you don't beat anyone half to death, you'll be fine," He grinned widely and threw an arm over my shoulder.

I pushed him off with a slight chuckle to make him not suspect my distaste in touch, and we continued our walk further into the crowd.

Chancey was right. The last time someone made me mad, I punched him until his bones were fractured, and his face was almost unrecognisable. Rob Frankston. After sleeping with Nico's girlfriend, we were all angry at him and Silvia - Nico's ex.

My friends never questioned why I went out of my way to beat him to that extent. I thought it was because they believed I was defending Nico's name. I wanted to, at first. But then I hurt Rob, and he was defenceless before me. I needed a release, and beating him to a pulp was the only way to deal with whatever dark thoughts were tearing me down.

He never pressed any charges. His parents were good friends with mine before any of that happened. My mother spoke to his and whatever they agreed on made me free to go. They hadn't spoken to each other since. My mother had lost a friend because of what I did. To be honest, it was a necessary loss. Those people were a nightmare to society.

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