04 | Touchdown

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"and you were there to save me from the brewing cyclone."



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"Indigo, this is Serenity and Dawn," Adara pointed to us as she dragged the poor girl toward us. We waved at her, and she reluctantly waved back.

Her eyes were a steel blue, coated with long lashes, standing out against her dark locks of hair. She wore a dark blue sundress with a white cropped cardigan and black Doc Martens that matched with Dawn.

"Side note," Adara came closer to us, lowering her voice. "Steer clear of Chancey De Loughrey. He has an obsession with her."

Indigo opened her mouth to protest, but Adara cut her off with a look. She sighed and nodded her head in agreement.

"I think I scared him away last week. He asked for you, and I gave him hell for it," Dawn spoke with a small grin on her lips.

Indigo smiled at the sound of it. "Thanks."

The school bell rang, declaring the start of the next period. Adara and Indigo walked to math together, and Dawn leaned against the lockers, waiting for the next class in the same hallway. With a quick smile at her, I headed down a few corridors and spotted the locked door to my English class.

Since the teacher always ran late, I waited further away from the rest of the class waiting, picking at the lint of my beige sweater.

"Hey," My head shot up at the sound of Gabriel's voice.

Hoping he didn't see how my eyes widened at the sight of him, I smiled back at him. "Hi."

He wore his varsity jacket over a white shirt. It was game day, and he'd play right after this last period. The Bridge Hill Hawkes claimed the colours of green and blue, and the school decorated the halls and classrooms with those colours, especially on game days like this one.

It was quiet for a moment between us. I felt a little awkward after what happened last week at Adara's house.

"Are you feeling better this week?" His question caught me off guard, and I almost spilled the truth.

"Yeah, I think so," I lied, feeling my face heat up at the intensity of his eyes as he narrowed them slightly at me.

Gabriel nodded, and I was about to ask him the same, but he spoke up again before I got the chance.

"What's your favourite chocolate?" He tilted his head to the side, listening closely to my answer.

I smiled, taken aback by the random question, answering anyway. "White chocolate?"

His hazel eyes darted to the lockers behind me, appearing deep in thought before he stepped back, nodding to himself again.

"Stay right there," Holding a palm up, Gabriel pinned me down with his eyes.

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