Part:3 a family reunion

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Bloom-winx I have meet valtor he's alive
Ayisha-what... bloom are you sure
Bloom-yes I'm sure ayisha we talked in the forest
Texan-then we have to defeat him again right girls?
Flora-right tecna
Bloom-wait let's see what he does he had time to attack me or alfia but he didn't so I will continue to talk to him ok girls?*they nod and they leave bloom starts to draw in her notebook* bloom-I wonder how valtor is doing... huh? Why am I thinking about him again* she stands up and goes to her window thinking about valtor she gets a call* bloom-yes
Sky-hey bloom how you feeling
Bloom-oh good well not really
Sky-you still having the nightmares about valtor?
Bloom-yes I am... sky I better get homework done ok?
Sky-ok see you soon bloom*he hangs up*
Bloom-I can't tell sky not yet* valtor appears behind her he taps her shoulder*bloom-huh? Oh hey valtor
Valtor-I want to show you something bloom
Bloom-really?* valtor carry's her and takes her to the forest*
Valtor-ready bloom?
Bloom-ya can you put me down?* he puts her down* valtor-here is a present for you my dear firefly* he makes a computer copy of oritel and Marion*!
Marion-bloom our sweet child* bloom try's to hug them but she goes threw them*
Oritel-bloom we really miss you so much don't worry we will be reunited soon* bloom starts to cry valtor wipes her tears*
Marion-we love you our wonderful bloom*they glitch and fade out*
Valtor-bloom you ok?
Bloom-thank you valtor!*she hugs him valtor blushes*
Valtor-no problem bloom
Bloom-I better get back to alfia
Valtor-bloom wait*he kisses her on the head* bye bloom
Bloom-b-bye*she blushes and runs back to alfia*
Bloom-why did he kiss me?... it was so warm and his lips are soft*bloom shakes her head*why am I thinking about that!
                   (AT VALTOR'S PLACE)
Valtor-she's so adorable I love her but what if she doesn't feel the same she has sky after all*he goes to bed*I really want to hold her close to me*he falls asleep*
               (AT ALFIA)
Bloom-I don't know if I should tell sky I'm not sure*she holds the rose she kinda plays with the petals and a magical butterfly comes out leaving a blue sparkle trail behind*
Bloom-so beautiful*she smiles and the butterfly lands on her shoulder and fades out* that was beautiful he really has changed
Stella-bloom what's up is that the rose valtor gave you?!
Bloom-yes and when I played with the petals a butterfly came out and it was beautiful
Stella-awww that's adorable
Bloom-ya it is*she kisses the rose*
Stella-ohhhhh you like valtor
Bloom-huh? I... ummmm*she blushes and looks away* Stella-you like him do you?
Bloom-o ok Mabye I do he did show me my real parents and I was so happy
Stella-awww how sweet of valtor
Bloom-ya ehehe
Stella-can we talk to him
Bloom-well ya you can*after a few hours bloom goes outside*
Bloom-what a beautiful night sky
Valtor-it is but not as beautiful as you
Bloom-valtor hi*he sits next to her*
Bloom-I want to thank you again for showing me my parents
Valtor-no problem bloom*he leans closer bloom puts her head on his shoulder*bloom do you trust me?
Bloom-yes I do you changed valtor*they look at the each other getting into the moment and they kiss they start to making out they both stop for air*
Valtor-bloom I... love you
Bloom-v-valtor I... I need time to think
Valtor-oh ok bloom*she walks back inside valtor touch's his lips*valtor-so warm*he blushes*I can't wait to see her again he teleports away bloom sits on her bed*
Bloom-that kiss... it was good*she hugs her Pillow and keko sits on her leg she pets him she lays down and thinks*bloom-i want to hug and hold him why do I feel this way*she falls asleep*
            (AT VALTOR'S PLACE)
Valtor-I can't believe I kissed her.... I it did felt good I just want to hold her and kiss her more and more why can't I stop thinking about it*he smells his jacket*her smell is on me it's sweet like candy... oh bloom I will meet you again I know it*he smiles and lays down and goes to sleep both bloom and valtor has the same dream they both appear in a house*
Bloom-huh what on earth.... this place looks beautiful *she walks up the starts and sees valtor on top of the stairs*
Bloom-valtor hi I guess we are in the same dream
Valtor-ya let's explore*he holds out his hand bloom holds his hand they enter in a thrown room*
Valtor-nice*he sits on the thrown*I am the king muahahahaha*bloom laughs valtor laughs as well*bloom-of some weird reason this doesn't feel like a dream
Valtor-I know it's weird*he stands up and holds up*
Bloom-v-valtor?!*he kisses her she kisses him back*
Valtor-sorry bloom I... umm*she pulls him into a other kiss*
Bloom-mmm*she starts to take off his jacket they stop of air*
Bloom-valtor... I love you too*they both wake up*
Valtor-it was a dream.. ohhh I wish that was real
Bloom-that was nice I want to see him and kiss him again

Bloom x valtor (nsfw) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ