{1. The main problem}

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A/N: Hello this story is one I made for the fact that I needed to get ideas for my other story's and wanted to write something off of an idea I had.

Like always I'll ask if you could not put to much hate into what I write in this story and this time I'll also ask if you could please give your honest opinion on the story.

I guess I can do a warning thing but I'm not sure what warning I would put other then this is a gay poleyamary Story and it's a bxbxbxbxb story.


"Shit," Ray spoke in a quiet tone as to not get caught. "I'm a fucking idiot," he whisper yelled. His eyes darted from the exit to the guards that surrounded it.

Ray Thomson had been crouched in that spot for the past twenty minutes as he waited for the guards to switch out or go on their break. As many knew Ray as a thief he somehow managed to never get caught of course that was until he realized that his newest mission was one that put him in front of the most guarded estate of the Riverwoods.

He tightened his grip on the dagger in his hand. He knew fully well that one wrong move and he would be killed or worse caught. Once he knew the guards weren't moving he turned around and rolled over to the next hidden spot.

Luck was on his side when he first got here but now he wasn't so sure. The best any person could do was get halfway up the hill that this estate was on but Ray had somehow managed to get to the barbed wire fence.

He had thought about climbing it but that would mean the guards would see him and he didn't want to let all his work go to waste. Reaching the left side of the fence he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small pair of pliers and started to tear at the fence.

The moment he got a hole he could fit in in the fence he put the pliers away and snuck through the fence and into the garden. Past the fence the security sucked but that's why there was so much guards before the fence.

"This is stupid," Ray thought as he opened a window on the mansion and hopped into the building. He recalled how his mission was given to him.

"I swear that you won't have to do anything more for me," the girl bagged. He groaned and looked down at the small pathetic girl who held his arm in he tiny hands. "Fine but you better have a high cash fee for me to do what your asking, and worse yet to all four of them." He spat out the word like it was poison. "I will $50,000 for it," she said.

Ray sighed as he closed the window and took a deep breath. He hated that people went to him for stuff they wanted done. Slowly he turned around and walked down the hall. The grand staircase and dimly lit halls showed just how old this place was. Ray felt calm when around such old things. It would remind him of the simple times where money wasn't all there was to life.

His hand traced the wall he walked by, the dagger almost falling out of his hand. His eyes closed as he tried to imagine what types of party's and galas were held here long ago. He let his hand fall to his side and he opened his eyes remembering why he was here.

"Such a shame to have to cover these beautiful halls with the crimson red I'm here for," he sighed. He looked at the staircase and imagined how many young lady's walked down these stairs to where their date was stood at the floor.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he bumped into someone and fell to the floor, losing his dagger that had went flying across the hall. Ray groaned as he opened his eyes. He froze in shock as he realized who he bumped into. "Fucking hell, another one?" The man groaned staring down at Ray. Panic overtook Ray as he tried to get to his feet.

The guy looked away from Ray and he noticed the dagger sitting on the floor. He walked over to where it sat and picked it up. "Your not another one is what I'm guessing by this," he said holding up the dagger. "Listen here if your one of the bitches she sent there's no way for you to carry out what she wants." He said his focus on the blade of the dagger.

Pov switch to Ray:

I knew just by his looks who he was, Issac Riverwood.

He slipped the dagger in his back pocket and walked to where I stood. "Come on time to get up," he said as he pulled me up by the hood of my hoodie. He dragged me down the hall and towards a door. I didn't fight back because it would get me no where.

"Idiots here's a new one she sent, only this time it brought a weapon." He slammed open the door and shoved me into the room. I stumbled as I tried to find my balance. "Another one?" Someone groaned from in the room. "Yeah," Issac said as he walked in and closed the door. "I wanna play with this one, he's mine," someone said. "No fair you got the last one," another voice grumbled.

I gathered myself as I made sure nothing was missing. Then I turned to look at the people who were speaking. The Riverwood brothers.

They looked so in real now that I saw them face to face but I had to remind myself everyone like them always did. I listed them off one by one in my head, Issac, Tobias, Ashton, and Tyler. After I made sure all four of them were there I tried to think of what to say. Tobias and Ashton were fighting, well the other two were watching me with interest, looking at each other every now and then to see if they both saw the same thing. Issac leaned over to Tyler and whispered something in his ear. Tyler nodded and Issac walked to the two that were fighting.

The minute he whispered something to them they both turned and looked at me. I felt small under all the eyes that watched me. I was so used to hiding from the people who would try and look towards me, I knew being used to not getting caught and hiding would be my downfall when it came to talking to people. After Issac sat down in a chair Tyler started to speak up.

"After much consideration my brothers and I have come to a conclusion that you shall stay here with us, after all you managed to get up the hill past the guards and into the mansion without anyone catching you, and you brought a weapon." He smirked at me and that's when I noticed the list that all their eyes held. "Toby and Ash will show you to your room," Issac said and like that I was dragged out of the room and down the hall.

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