{7. Rabit hole}

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Ray's pov:

I sat on my bed thinking, just thinking. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular I was just thinking. "I've been here for a while and yet I have no want to leave and head home. I confuse myself. I've just been sat here. No one is forcing me to stay, I could simply leave yet I don't. Why?" The question ran through my head. I knew none of the brothers would keep me from leaving yet I still stayed. I looked around my room, "they gave me a nice clean room with a desk, I get food whenever I want, and I also get to socialize with them. That's more then I get at home." I sighed as I looked at my hands. I was for once happy or at least I thought I was but that was for the fact that I'd never known what happiness was. I thought happiness was when you had a roof over your head food on your plate and people to 'care' about, I only ever was able to keep one of these things and I put food on my plate if I was lucky.

"Maybe for once I'm safe," I whispered as I stood up to get changed. "Maybe for once I can stop running," I mumbled to myself as I picked out a pair of short shorts and an oversized shirt for what to wear to bed. The day could go by and no one would care if I was missing because no one cared. For all I knew if I wasn't running then I was hiding, stealing, robbing people of their livelihood just so I could live and survive out in a world that hated me. I pulled off the hoodie and shirt I had worn yesterday and put on the grey shirt I had choose. I changed the shorts I was wearing and slid into bed. "A new day brings new opportunities," I sighed as I closed my eyes and passed out.

A/n: yo so this chapter has a dream coming up! Bye

I sat at my desk writing down stuff I needed to remember. "Ray we're gonna be late!" Ash said as he walked into the room. "What the hell your not even changed into your outfit!" I ignored his as I continued to write. "You promised you would go to this and if I show up without you Ty will have my head," he groaned in irritation as I closed my journal. "Calm down the party's just downstairs and all I gotta do is get ready then we can show up," I reassured him. He looked at me desperately "you know we can't be late," he whispered. "Funny for someone who's really antisocial you really want to go to this party." I giggled. "T-that's not the point!" Ash was flustered just by me bringing up how much I knew about him. "Hurry up and get ready I'll be waiting for you by the stairs," he whispered as he left.

I opened my closet and picked out the only nice thing I had, it was a simple dressy outfit that the brothers had gotten me even if I said I'd never wear it I had to for tonight. Tonight the brothers held a party and their parents were here to see them and attend the party. I got changed into my outfit and rushed out of my room to meet up with Ash by the stairs. "Come on my parents want to meet you," he smiled as I walked next to him. He was so excited to show a simple human like me to his parents and I found that cute and heartwarming. We walked over to a group of people, the other three brothers were there but there was three other people who I didn't recognize. One was a lady with pale skin, beautiful green eyes and long curl brown hair. She look stunning in the beautiful red gown she had picked to wear for this evening. Beside her was a man he was tall with tan skin, dark black eyes and blonde hair. He wore a suit for the night and to me he radiated scary. Next to the lady was a little boy he had pale skin green eyes and blonde hair. He looked like the perfect mix of the two people he was with. He wore a sweet and cute little outfit and looked like he feared the brothers.

"Mama this is Ray Thomson and he has been staying with us for almost a year now," Ash said to the lady making me realize I was most likely standing with a bunch of Riverwoods. "It's nice to meet you Ray, I'm Elizabeth Riverwood." She held out her hand and I shook it. "It's nice to meet you to ms Riverwood." I smile at her. "Oh please just call me Elizabeth." She seemed kind and sweet. "Papa This is Ray," Ash said introducing me to the man. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ray, I'm Richard Riverwood," His grip was strong and firm, what most men's grip was like. "It's nice to meet you sir," I say addressing him with a formal title. "Boys you found a good one he calls your mama ms and me sir," he laughed as he looked at the brothers. "And This is..." Ash was cut off by the boy that was next to his mother. "I'm Alexander But you can call me mr Alex or sir Alexander." He said with a smile. My smile grew. The fact that there was a little kid here who was as energetic as my brother made me happy. It felt like my brother was here at this party with me. "It's an honour to meet you sir Alexander." I smiled and gave him a small bow. He giggled.

"So Ray you must be spoiled rotten by my sons," Elizabeth said, starting a conversation with me. "I'm not quite sure what you mean," I laugh nervously. "Well my boys must be waiting on you hand and foot." She said simple. "And why would they do that?" I asked quietly. "Well because your their boyfriend." Her smile was starting to dull. The brothers and I froze at that comment. "Their boyfriend?" I thought. "Alright mother I think you've had enough wine for the night." Tyler said appearing out of nowhere. The rest of the brothers ran over to me. "No i haven't now am I right or do they all just have a crush?" She asked. "I-I uh don't know what your talking about." I stuttered because she could've been right that they had a crush on me. "Mother!" Issac groaned. "No listen here if none of you come clean and ask him out I'll spill your secret!" She said harshly. "Mama please," it was Ash who spoke up this time, his voice held a tone of begging in it but his mother didn't care. "You all like him and want him to be your mate so just ask him out!" She yelled. "Mother he's human!" Tyler yelled back. "Don't you think I knew that!" She argued with him.

A thousand thoughts ran through my head but the one that kept coming back had me questioning everything. "A mate?"


I shot up from my bed tears running down my face Ash was crouched next to my bed panic and pain flashing through his eyes. "Ray are you okay?" He asked. I looked at him for a minute, and took a deep breath. I jumped on him and gave him the biggest hug I could possibly give. "Hey, hey it's okay your okay it was just a dream." He whispered in a calm voice trying to calm my shaky crying state. "Ray your okay I'm here it's okay," he looked at the door where I hadn't realized his brothers stood. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself yet nothing worked. "Shh I understand it was all just a dream," he whispered in my ear. His voice slowly calmed me down. I tried to keep my voice calm as I looked at him.

"W-what's a m-m-mate?"

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