{6. Ash Riverwood}

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Ash's pov:

I walked into the dining hall with my plate of food in hand. I took my seat at the table and started to eat. Issac and Toby walked into the room, not paying me any attention. Thoughts filled my head but I pushed them away quickly. Being the youngest of four brothers I wanted to keep them out of all my business and make sure that I was completely different compared to them. I kept eating and my eyes were on the food on my plate.

The human would look so cute lying in my bed...

I froze. "Issac keep your fucking thoughts in check!" I yelled as I got up from the table. Issac looked at me and his eyes went wide. "Shit what part did you get!" He was panicking. I stared at him with anger and embarrassment all in one. "Just be careful what you think around me!" I said as I left the room. I heard the human say something and my mind went blank. Out of every thought that would run through my head the moment I heard his voice they all meant nothing. I ran up the steps and to my room grabbing the book I was reading I headed to the library. I would drown out the thoughts and voices with books because then I could focus on one thing and keep my focus on that.

I sighed as I turned to the page I was on. My favourite part of this book, the main character finally realized who they truly were. I smiled as I knew the outcome to this. Having read this book over a million times I knew how everything ended but it was still fun to read. It was calming. It helped. I read the lines off the page.

Running footsteps caught my attention. The library doors swung open and Ray ran into the room. I looked up at him. His black hair was a mess and his blue eyes held panic. "Ash you have to help me!" He was frantically trying to speak. "With?" I put the bookmark in my book and put the book on the table I was sat at. "I pissed off Issac and now he wants to kill me," he was rushing his words and yet everything made since to me. I could feel the fear radiating off of him and I knew that Issac would love that. I stood up and grabbed his wrist. With my book in one hand and his wrist in the other I walked out of the library and to my room.

"He doesn't wanna kill you but I still suggest staying away from him for a bit." I said as I opened my door and walked into my room. The door closed and I let his wrist go. "How did you manage to get Issac pissed?" I asked as I put away my book and flopped on my bed. "I'm not even sure," he smiled. "Why don't you tell me about yourself?" He asked. "You first," I whispered as I took the hair tie off my wrist. "Well I have a younger brother but he lives with my mom and I don't have many friends." He sat against my bed. "I chose to do jobs like this and stealing stuff so I could keep my brother in school and I was planning on saving up to get him to move in with me.." he stopped talking. I pulled my slightly longer hair into a small ponytail and listened to his story. "How much more did you need?" I ask. "This was supposed to be my last job because of how much it would give me but we both know the outcome of that." He tried to keep his tone neutral.

"Do you not like it here?" I asked getting self conscious. "No it's not like that!" He turned and looked at me with panic in his eyes. "I like it here it's just that I expected to get this job done and leave yet now it's been like a day and the person how hired me must be pissed." He spoke quickly and tried to use it as an excuse. "Speaking of what was your mission this time?" I looked at his blue eyes, they looked like deep oceans that held much mystery yet at the same time they held the warmth of fire. His eyes went wide and he looked at the floor. "I can't say," he whispered. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Thoughts rushed to my head but there was only one I wanted to find. His. "What if they hate me?" He was questioning himself and that was probably the reason he wouldn't say. I pulled myself out of my head and opened my eyes. "Okay," was all I said. He looked up at me eyes full of panic. "What!" I looked at him with no emotion showing in my eyes. "You'll tell me when your ready," I whispered as he sat on the bed next to me. "Thank you," his voice was small and quiet.

"It's nothing," I say as I lay down on my bed. "Your turn." He said laying beside me. "Well I'm the youngest of the four of us and everyone I have met tried to compare me to them yet your the first person who didn't try to compare me to them." I looked at the roof knowing how easily I was opening up without meaning to. "I like to read because it helps me focus and calms me down and I like cute things." I turned to look at him. "I don't really talk to a lot of people either." I whispered. "Your life seems interesting," he turned and looked at me his face held a slight blush when he saw I was staring at him. "Not really when all I ever do is stay in here," I smiled and looked to the roof again.

"Anyways it's been long enough Issac probably calmed down by now," I sat up and went to open the door. I felt a tug on the ponytail I had and I stopped walking. "Wait," he said as he let go of my ponytail. "Please don't do that," I whispered under my breath. "What if he's still mad?" I looked at Ray and saw the fear in his eyes. "He won't be trust me," I reassured him. He left my room and the door closed behind him. I took a deep breath in and went and laid on my bed again. "Fuck why did he have to do that?" I whispered to myself. My thoughts started to drift and became less and less of what I normally allowed.

"I would let him do that to me any day,"

I shrieked at the intrusive thought and pulled my pillow over my face. "What the fuck is he doing to me!" I yelled into my pillow. I was flustered just thinking about him yet I didn't want to be. I put my pillow to the side and grabbed my phone. I opened up my messages and hit Toby's icon.

"Toby I need your help." I texted. The minute the message was read I heard a knock on my door. "Ash it's me!" Toby yelled through the door. I opened the door and he walked into my room. "What's up?" He asked. I sat on my bed. "Your the one who knows what to do with fucking lusty feelings so what am I supposed to do!" I spoke quickly hoping he understood every word. "This is about Ray isn't it?" He asked. "He tugged my hair and now I can't get him out of my fucking head." I was panicking and trying my best to keep even the slightest calm. "Wait he what?" Toby was took by surprise as he tried to process what I was saying. "Wait like normal tug or like *cough* sexual *cough* tug?" He asked fake coughing around the word sexual. "I don't even know!" I was flustered and he could easily see that I was.

"Okay show me how he tugged on your hair." Toby said as he sat next to me. I lightly tugged on his hair and he turned to face me. "Shit Ty was right." He cursed. I covered my face with my pillow to hide the obvious blush that covered my cheeks. "Best I can say is try and avoid him for a bit," Toby said as he left my room. I grabbed my book and went to the library to try and clear my head.

"Why the hell am I getting so fucking flustered." I thought.

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