{2. Dinner}

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I hadn't realized that Toby and Ash had dragged me up the stairs and down a hall with five doors in it.

"Here's your room," Toby said as they both let me go. "It's near all of our rooms so you can't escape," Ash said smirking at me. I opened the door to the room. The almost empty room looked dull and blank.

The room had a bed pushed up into a corner and a desk with a lamp near the door. It looked like a better version of what I had at my home. "Get cleaned up and change and then come down for dinner," they both said in unison. I walked into the room and closed the door behind me. I made sure they had left before I released a shaky breath.

I looked over to the open door in my room. It led to a bathroom that I was guessing was mine. I walked into the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. My black hair was in a mess and looked like the definition greasy. I groaned.

I looked at the towel and then to the shower. "It wouldn't be that bad if I got a shower," I thought. I turned on the shower and made sure the water was a temperature I liked before I took of what I was wearing and got in. The hot water hit my pale skin and made me feel amazing. I scrubbed at my hair, not wanting it to look greasy and messy. I made sure to get all the grime and dirt off of myself before I turned off the water and got out of the shower.

I walked out of the washroom and to the closet hoping that it would at least have some clothes I liked. I opened the closet and almost screamed. Everything that was in the closet was to girly and way to short for my liking. There was not a single pair of pants, just shorts that were way to short. All the tops had no hoodies. I sighed and picked out a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt and got changed. I brushed my hair out to a style I liked and looked at myself in the mirror. My baby blue eyes stared back at me and I looked like someone new. I gathered my courage and strength and walked to the door.

"It's just dinner," I reminded myself as I opened the door. I made my way to the stairs and hoped none of the brothers would comment on my outfit. I reached the top of the stairs and walked down them slowly. My breathing was uneven and shaky as I walked. The thought of having to wear this in front of the four other people who were living here scared the shot out of me. I took a deep breath and tried to mask my fear with annoyance. I wondered around and without meaning to walked into the dining room first try.

The table was set and the four brothers sat at different spots. Tyler was at the head of the table with Ashton on one side of him and Toby next to Ash. Issac sat on the other side of Tyler but there was one seat in between the two of them. I immediately knew that they would want me to sit there. I heard the door close behind me and all four of them looked my way. Smirks and grins formed on their faces and Tyler was the only one who had a genuine smile on his face. "Come in and sit," he said. The moment he spoke I felt a wave of calm fall over my being.

I did as he said and took a seat in between him and Issac. I saw shock flash in Tyler's eyes but he immediately hid it. I kept my hands on my lap and my head down. "You look cute," Toby said as he spun his fork in his food. I hadn't realized that they all didn't move their eyes off of me. They all were watching me to see what I would do. "Your not gonna eat?" Ash asked as he looked at me. "Not hungry," I whispered. I heard Toby giggle and Ash smirked. Tyler looked away and Issac continued to eat.

"Sucks to be you Issac, he isn't hungry," Ash said. Issac glared at Ash making Toby and Ash immediately shut up. Tyler looked at his brother and his eyes darted to me then back at Issac. Everyone became quiet and I felt as though I was the main centre of attention.

"Toby..." Tyler said breaking the silence. Toby look at him. "What's up?" He asked. "I thought I told you to put something nice and actually suitable in the closet." He said calmly. "Oh uh well you see IT'S ASH'S FAULT." He rushed up out of his seat and out the door of the dining hall. Tyler looked at Ash. "He uh he told me to and uh I only put one or two things in there," I stuttered as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Toby." Tyler had just gotten the name out of his mouth when Toby walked back in the room with his head down. "Can I have a pair of jeans and a hoodie?" I asked irrupting the conversation before it began. "Gladly you can barrow some of mine." Issac said, using it as an excuse to leave the dining hall.

We walked out of the room and to the hall full of rooms. The door closets to my room happened to be Issacs room and I was guessing that the one on the other side of my door was Tyler's. I walked into Issacs room and he closed the door behind me. "What type of hoodies do you like?" He asked. "Anything that isn't brightly coloured or pink." I whispered. "You can drop the silence the others aren't around." He stated calmly as he opened his closet. "Pick one or two hoodies and a couple pairs of jeans," he walked away from the closet and I looked at all the clothes he had.

I picked out two black hoodies, one with a cute design on it and the other just a plain hoodie. Then I grabbed some jeans. I stood up from the floor and held the clothes in my arms. "Thank you," I whispered. He nodded and I started to walk out of his room. "Put my hoodie on," he whispered. I turned and looked at him "Why?" I asked. "It'll piss off my brothers," his eyes held mischief and lust. I went to leave again but was stopped by Issac as he wrapped his arms around me and picked up one of the hoodies. He knocked the rest of the clothes out of my arms and spun me around to face him.

He lifted my arms up above my head and slid the hoodie over my slim figure. "I said wear one of my hoodies," he said as he adjusted the strings for the hood.

He let me go and I bent down to pick up the clothes on the floor. "It's surprising how you'll be really obedient but when you don't do something and someone does it for you you'll not move," he laughed.

"We need to finish dinner don't we?" I asked as I stood up. Finally realizing how close I was to him. My face started to heat up and I looked down. "Yeah put the clothes in your room and I'll walk down with you," he whispered. I walked out of his room and put the clothes on my bed.

I walked out in the hall and Issac and I walked down to the dining hall. We walked in and the first thing I noticed was that Toby and Ash looked like kicked puppies. Yet Tyler looked like he was proud of himself. Until they all noticed me and Issac. I felt Issac wrap his arms around my waist and my face went red. I knew the others were glaring at him.

"Ray, Issac welcome back," Tyler said in a calm tone. Issac smirked and I stood still hoping he would let me go so I could go eat. "Thank you brother it's glad to be back," Issac replied, his grip on my waist tightened. "Did something happen between you two well you were gone?" Tyler asked us. I cut Issac off before he could say anything. "No no it's n-nothing like that," I spoke quickly. "Why lie when something did," Issac's tone was full of mischief.

It was at this moment I knew I was royally screwed.

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