{4.Ray's dream}

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A/n: Yo so the dream will be in italics yet when it leaves the dream it will go the plain text. Important things in the dream will be highlighted. Byeeeeee

Ray's pov:

I groaned as I sat up in my bed "how long was I asleep?" I asked myself. I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and went to go downstairs where the brothers should be. I made it out my door and something in my mind told me to go into Tyler's room. I walked to the door and opened it slowly. As I stepped into the dark room I squinted to get my eyes to adjust. The room was nicely decorated and held some cool things yet what I wanted to see was where Ty was. "He's downstairs," was all I could keep repeating to myself. That was until I saw the door to the washroom open and the room got darker.

I sat on Ty's bed and decided to wait for him. I felt cold hands come and wrap around me. "We're you waiting for me?" His voice was sweet and kind. "Ty?" I asked. "Mhmm," was his only response. I turned around to face him. "What's wrong baby?" The word caught me off guard as I tried to think of what to say. "Nothing is wrong, I just felt like I uh needed to see you," I got the words out of my mouth and felt his hand placed on my cheek. I prayed what I said didn't sound to weird, but then again anything I said could be counted as weird. "Was that weird?" I asked starting to get self concise. "No of course not baby," there was the pet name again. "Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked afraid of what the answer was. "Don't you like the nickname?" He asked. I regretted asking. "Yes I like the nickname it's just weird because, well you know we only just met like early today," the words flew out of my mouth as an attempt to take back my question.

"Baby, calm down I was just joking and we've known each other for longer then that," he said looking at me in the dark. "H-how long?" My stuttering was back. "We've known each other for at least a year now or did you forget?" He asked. I stared at him and hoped he was joking but his eyes told me he wasn't joking. "Oh uh I guess I did forget," I giggled. "Can I kiss you?" I froze once I heard his question. My mind raced and I felt like everything was going to fast. "S-sure I-I guess." I whispered. He leaned close to my face. His soft lips pressed against my rough ones. Sparks flew around me and my entire being felt like I was set on fire, but it didn't burn. He pulled away from the kiss and I felt like I would die without him.

I gasped as I sat up off my bed. I was covered in a cold sweat and the kiss played over and over in my head. "There's no way that was fucking real," was all I kept thinking. I took deep breaths and tried so hard to keep my breathing under control. My eyes slowly adjusted to my dark room. I calmed down once I realized I was safe and in my room. Looking around I saw that my door was closed and I immediately wondered how I got to my room. Then it hit me everything that had happed before I fell asleep. I had cried for so long I wore myself out and passed out in Tyler's arms. "He must of carried me up here," I whispered. The cold air of the room finally got to me and I shuffled off my bed and to the thermostat. Turning on the heat I moved back to my bed and sat there for a bit.

I heard someone groan and I jumped off my bed before anything else. "Turn it back to cold," Tyler said as he laid on my bed. "What the hell are you doing in my room?!" I screamed. "If your cold just cuddle into me but turn the heat off," he ignored my question and turned over.

Tyler Pov:

"If your cold just cuddle into me but turn the heat off," I groaned as I turned over. I didn't expect the human to do as I had said but the minute he turned off the heat and climbed into the bed I expected him to just cover up. His small hands wrapped around me, begging for my attention. I turned to face him and he cuddled right into me. I was taken back by his movements and had forgotten he was still wearing shorts and not jeans. His cold skin warmed up as he stayed cuddled into me. I put my arms around him. It took every fiber of my being to stay calm and not lose my control. He was so small when he was curled up next to me. He was so cute like this but I had to keep my calm. "Well there goes my sleep," I thought.

I had only been able to sleep for an hour that night but lack of sleep wouldn't bug me. I laid there in the cold room with a small human cuddled into me as he slept quietly. The sight of him sent a weird happiness throughout me. I didn't move so he could sleep throughout the night. His slow and even breath's kept me calm the entire night. Soon the morning came and the little human in my arms slowly rustled awake. "Good morning," I whispered, "Mhmm," He looked up at me and his face went red as he tried his best to hide his face in my chest. His action took me by surprise. "Where you just trying to hide the fact you were blushing?" I asked. "S-shut up!" He yelled. He was obviously flustered and his reaction told me all it needed to.

He liked me and my brothers.

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