{10. Knock on wood}

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Asrial pov:

I woke up to the sound of pounding on the door. "Ugh" I groaned as I sat up. Slowly I dragged my feet as I walked to the door. The pounding on the door rang in my ears. "Hello?" I asked as I opened the door. "Hi do you live with someone named Ray?" The person asked. "No I don't you can go if your looking for someone by that name here." I said in an annoyed tone. "Okay that's all goodbye." The person said. I closed the door and rushed up the steps. I banged on Rays room door and he opened it with an annoyed look. "Geez Asrial it's literally six in the morning!" He said. "I know but there were people here just now looking for you." I told him he nodded and I walked over to Lizzy's room to wake her up.

"Lizzy it's time to get up we got a big day a head of us!" I told her as she joyfully hopped out of bed. "Asrial you told them you lived alone right?" Ray asked as he met us on the stairs. "Uh no I just said I didn't live with someone named Ray." I replied. "But Asri you do!" Lizzy said. "Lizzy you remember the game we play a while back where I was someone named Alex you were Luna and Ray was Donnie?" I asked. She nodded. Well we need to play that game again only with new names!" I told her. "Okay I can be Rose Ray can be King and you can be Ryan." She smiled as she spoke. Another knock came at the door and I told Lizzy to head upstairs till I called her down.

"Ray what if these people are dangerous?" I asked. "Then we just hope that you and Liz escape." He replied. I nodded. "Hello?" I asked as I opened the door again. "Hi we're sorry to bother you again but we just wanted to ask what your name is." The guy said. It was the same guy as last time. "Oh I'm Ryan!" I said with a smile. It was fake but that didn't matter. "Okay nice to meet you Ryan I'm Issac." I nodded and went outside before closing the door behind me.

"I would say it's nice to meet you Issac however today I ain't in much of a good mood." I state as I glare at him. "No need to be mean we just want to know if you've at least seen the person we're looking for." His voice annoyed me slightly as I sighed. "Listen. You Riverwood brothers annoy me as is and if I saw your friend I'd let you know now can you please leave?"

A look was exchanged between them all and I turned to enter the house again. "Do you live here alone?" The question made me freeze. After a short moment I nodded. "Just me and my sister." I say calmly as I turn back to them.

{A/n: It's been a while and I'm sorry it's short but I'm back!}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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