Chapter One// Infested Cities

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It had been months since the world broke.

Her neighbors had never come back to check on her, Y/n eventually stopped hoping that they would come back, they were either dead or safe in a bunker.

She sighed and closed the curtains, she could hear the undead outside. Their terrible screeching and groaning flooded the neighborhood.

Y/n had been planning on getting out of there. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't impossible.

The zombies only came out at night, and they hid in shady areas, like forests and alleyways during the day.

They weren't like the ones in the movies, slow and dumbfounded. These were fast and could deal a lot of damage easily.

Luckily Y/n had a handful of weapons and tools that she could use to help her, and in her spare time, she had found a bow and some arrows.

She would attempt her escape as soon as the sun came out. She was running out of food, and the closest place that she could travel to was the city.

It wasn't the best place to stay but it was her only option, and she couldn't drive there because all of the cars had broken down by the decay.

Everything had decomposed, the waterways, vehicles, buildings, all sorts of power lines, everything was rotting.

She grabbed her backpack and shoved in some items and weapons.

She watched carefully as the sun started to rise, the screeching and groaning were now getting quieter until it eventually stopped.

She unlocked her door slowly, she looked all around the neighborhood, she spotted a couple of zombies lurking in the shadows.

She stepped out, the zombies snapped their heads towards her but they didn't move, they only glared at her and shuffled back into the shadows.

Y/n took out her bow and loaded it, as she started walking she heard a twig snap behind her, she jumped and turned around.

"Who's there?!" She yelled, there was no response.

She shook her head, probably just my imagination.

She started walking again, after 20 minutes she reached a gas station.

She looked inside only to frown in disappointment, she could hear gurgle coming from the inside.

Fucking zombies. She thought angrily.

She stopped and drank some water before continuing her long walk to safety.

Time Skip

After about an hour of walking, Y/n had finally reached the city, she could already hear the undead, it was like a zoo of rotting corpses.

They were inside buildings and between alleyways, the only safe building was the library, strangely enough.

She reached the library, one of the windows was wide open and a ladder lead to it.

She started to climb, everything seemed safe and Y/n had found out zombies can't climb, she didn't know why but they couldn't figure it out.

She hopped inside and grabbed some of her small knives.

She walked through a series of bookshelves and some overgrowing plants.

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