Chapter Ten// Hidden Valleys

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A/n: N/N or n/n means nickname, no TW for now.

Ranboo opened his eyes, they stung from mourning the night before.

He shook his head and yawned. He was about to get up before he felt something under the blanket.

Y/n was squished up against him, she looked peaceful for once. As he admired her he grew sad, I don't want to forget her.

He felt himself getting nervous, he took a deep breath and shook off all the bad thoughts.

Y/n looked tired so he left her to sleep for a bit longer. He gave her a small bop on her cheek and walked towards the kitchen, Tommy was asleep on the couch and Techno was making breakfast.

"...hey Techno, whatcha making?" He asked the man.

"Uh.. squirrel? Maybe. I dunno it looked like a squirrel when I killed it." Techno said doubtfully

"Okaaayy. How's Tommy?" Ranboo changed the subject quickly, he didn't want to talk about a deformed squirrel breakfast.

Techno sighed, "he's doin' better.. but it's best to leave him alone for now, he's still... Shaken.. by- by uhm yesterday." Techno said slowly.

"I understand. I think we're all pretty shaken." Ranboo replied, Techno simply shook his head and went back to cooking.

Ranboo sat down on the couch, Tommy's brow was furrowed and he was twitching slightly.

I wonder what he's dreaming about. Ranboo thought as another twitch came over the boy.

After a little while of sitting in silence, Ranboo heard footsteps coming from the hallway. Y/n stepped out looking tired.

"Hallo Y/n, did you sleep okay?" Techno asked her.

"Meh." She mumbled, she walked over to the couch and sat next to Ranboo. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Are you okay?" Ranboo asked her quietly.

"No, I stayed up nearly all night because you were sleepwalking." Y/n answered back.

"Oh.. I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep if you want." Ranboo said embarrassed, he had never sleepwalked before.

"It's okay, in the end you calmed down a bit. It was really weird though, you kept mumbling and staring out the window pointing at something."

"What do you mean someth- oh." Ranboo asked her but he cut himself off. She had fallen asleep again.

A little more sleep wouldn't do any harm now that I think about it. He thought, "Goodnight my little n/n." He said as he closed his eyes.

Word Count: 445

Chapter ten is finally here! I'm really sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, I have plans for chapter 11 and 12 however!

Now take care and enjoy reading. :DD

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