The little things -for the people I only briefly knew

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Please leave feedback, as I want to improve. 

 I totally understand if you prefer writing to reading, if you have any poems or prompts you would like me to do or read leave them in the chat below or DM on Instagram at Steam_Jane

*I used the prompt Teenage girls for a school enrichment project and the teacher liked it and put it in the staff bulletin, so this was written a little while ago*

Our feet tap out messages across the concrete rues.

Our hearts fall in tune, doing the same false step.

We look across the morning news our hearts ablaze with nothing.

The fleet traverses the miles between us, yet we do not see it stir.

Our voices are distant things, stifled, from Charing Cross to Marble Arch.

We don't see each other, like the ghosts of ancient rivers, where flowers used to grow on grassy banks years ago.

We haven't seen each other's smiles since we were teenage girls or talked about tomorrows test.

It's all the small things you leave behind from when you were a teenage girl.

I know this is short, I will try to update soon. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

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