Hydra Poem

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Challenging my self to write a poem in this style, inspired by the interdisciplinary making memory module I did at university. the style is known as a Hydra poem.

In case anyone want's to try the poem starts with a 13 word line which you make vertical with each word starting a line and the last line must have 13 words and from there you could keep going and make that line vertical and so on for as long as you want:

memories are soft kisses

so fragmented, in 3rd person

human are made of them, shaping and changing them

but they can sting and cut

who will be there to hold them

will they rot?

remember them, but one day forget

when so long a time has past

people have come and gone

are we memories or are we just the earth?

no longer are they there

longer have they rotted

there against the backdrop of being, in the symbiosis of forgetting and remembering

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