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This is a poem for the end of winter

The sun lays long in its wintery bed, 
The nights draw in. 

At morning I lay longer in the warmth; protection against icecles and windstorms. 

maybe I am not a lark, rather an owl,
  looking out at the day;
lying a little longer,
as a city stirs from the Vail of frosted night.

Behind us on the high street skeletal trees reach out above the chewing gum splattered pavement.

Blow, blow.
the winter winds pull our caps ever tighter.

Through pail skies, it blows to the rain splattered mornings of London town.

Sorry this is really short, I'm not sure if this is any good. I would appreciate any feedback on any of the poems I publish and feel free to request any topics you would like me to write about.

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