Dream stars

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When I was younger I used to experience my bed floating above with my shelves or as I imagined a plasticine landscape, as I drifted off to sleep. Some morning all that you are left with was the feeling of a dream , while others times it's a vivid memory.

when you were a young child dreams were stars,
Your bed a spaceship, floating up towards the sky.
gently you cast your rod, into the wide breadth of your night sky and reel in your little star.

These stars are built of your day time.
Words and pictures become new realities, but only when you close your eyes and enter into the darkness.

Be gentle with the stars or in the morning hours all you will remember is their soft whisper, their warm cut.

Thanks for reading.

Also, I think some of us could probably do with a little more sleep, myself included. Sleep is so important to our well being, so take a good night's sleep where you can although the night can be a magical time to be awake in and you just want to stay awake a little longer.

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