A strange flaneur's dream:

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I know it's been a while, but I have quite a few poems to share today. This poem is inspired by the arcade prodject and my reading of the 1935 expose. I wrote this for Mothers day for my mum because my mum is a professor and a Benjamin scholar and I asked her favourite bit of Benjamin and she said the expose. 

Also on the note of creative writing, I am in quite a few societies, but have been getting my universities creative writing society back up and running, so that's  good. Anyway I hope you all enjoy and have a great Easter/Spring break.

As if in a fit full dream I stood in the streets of Paris , it was 1935.

Before me I saw the The panoramic gates of the bourgeois,The gates of glass and iron

I peered through a key hole into the arcade and the gardens beyond I beheld the land of mechanised milk and honeyThe river flowing with tea and chocolateAnd the nature wrought in iron.

I turn to see an exhibition hall, a place where I can feel people clad it hats and coats are drawn to the siren song of a commodity fetish.

In his own world through windows I spy the sanctuary of commodity and art, the breath of an individual, a collector.

The city is a glass gem cut by ruling hands. It's surfaces shaped by capitalism, till that's all that seems to shine back

The glass and iron soon crumble under high capitalism's weight and I find myself once more in the mimicry of a bygone era, in the urban countryside.

Poems (On Various Themes)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin