Free writing- Words

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This is probably not very good as it was just an idea I had based on the first few sentences that came to my head. All feedback will be appreciated. Thank you for reading

The words fall like glass orbs onto chewing gum splattered stones. lying there like a glittery sea.

The sun rises; its rosy fingers stretch in dawn's early hours.

We're told that punches can sting and bite, but words can do the same, falling like shards of a shattered orb, Stinging and cutting, long after they have fallen. But that's only if you let them.

But how can you not? They cut you, driving their shards, below the skin, leaving scars, long after they are gone.

'Don't touch her'
'Eww, she's disgusting'
'why are you her friend?'
'your clothes are ugly'
'you'll be alone forever'
'F**cK off b**ch'
It takes 5 seconds to say, can they fix it in as little as that?

A word; a weapon we can poise. Falling from our lips.
pricking the skin and leaving scars, deep within the heart.

Words can tell you the truth, even when it hurts.

But words can be respite from rain and wind storms. Soothing you deep within its bosom. Keeping you warm on dark nights. They tell you to keep fighting. Words can bring you together and show you the way. Laughing together.

'it's okay
'try again'
'I'm sorry'
'that's so cool
'let me help you
'that's not nice'

Words can be the human weapon, even if they leave no physical cut.

Words can be a hug, even if you never touch them.

Words can say what we mean.

Words can say what we don't mean, just by their tone.

Words can be humorous, jokey and light.

Words can be serious and angry.

words are important.

But perhaps touch is more basic, more primordial.

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