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hi, whoever's still around it's been a while and hello if you are new to my poems. This is a poem based on the Ancient Greek epic poem the Odyssey, arguably one of the greatest works of literature and myth, which I am studying for my classical civilisation a-level

In case you are not familiar here is a short glossary of some of the words you may or may not know:

ambrosia- food of the Gods

metis- skill

kleos- being spoken and known about (renown, or glory.)

nostos- Homecoming. returning to your homeland and your family and friends. It fulfils the longing for a home after being away.

timé-  gifts given to travellers who stay,  or honour paid to supernatural forces in the cult

Athene- Greek goddess and patron god of Athens, primarily associated with Wisdom

You can give a man everything, but his heart.

Lull him softly with your immortal words.

 Take him into your booms.

But Still, he longs for the rugged shores of home, to once more lie beneath the roof of his father and drink the sweet wine of his wife's gentle words, to be proud of the man his son has become. 

Lull him with all the Ambrosia of divine womanhood 

and still, you cannot win his heart.

Show him all the riches of Greece, all the Metis of heaven,

Show him all the lush crops of sweet mother nature.

But all the timé of the universe, will not fill his heart.

Sing his name to heaven, so all the world may know. But kleos alone does not fill the nostos locked within each step.

For hearts are like owls. No other mouse will do when they have found their match.

Oh, Athene, my Athena, goddess of the arts

Oh Athena, My Athena,

light up the darkest chambers of my heart with your wise words. Take me in too your strong arms and lead me home for I have lost too much and have longed away too many hours.

once I was the leader of my pride

But now my story is just that of myth

It was once played by bards of old

and still, it sings out its song, for all to read.

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