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-Two months ago-

"Anya, bring fresh linens and change everything in room 403, we have another one coming in." The head nurse ordered, she hadn't even been thirty yet and stress lines already began to kiss the woman's face.

"Yes ma'am. -Have you seen Doctor Boris? The patient in 409 needs another dose, she's thrashing again." Anya said a little worry tented her voice.

The other nurse checked her wristwatch "Oh it is time for her sedation shot again-"

"I know, I paged him three times fifteen minutes ago, I checked his office and the break room." Anya chimed in, not meaning to cut her superior off, but the fear of having that patient break free gave her urgency.

"Alright, if he doesn't show up in another five, I'll administer the shot myself," Vera said, knowing full well Doctor Boris didn't want those under his care put into sedation without him ordering it.

Anya breathed a sigh of relief, the heat of it under her sterile mask warming her face uncomfortably.

She walked away from the nurses' station towards the supply closet, down the hall. In an effort not to bump into anyone with nearly every step, male patients lined the long hallway walls.

They weren't sexually attacking anyone, it appeared they mostly were suffering from what seemed like a very nasty strain of the flu. Fever, chills, congestion, fatigue, the whole nine yards. However, the only thing that didn't fit the bill of super-flu, was the nasal bleeding. Blood, in place of what would otherwise be a normal flu, be mucus.

That... And also a lot of them seemed to get agitated easily, but being packed in tiny hospital hallways with other sick and dying could have that effect on a person.

Depending on the stage of women's affliction were given rooms, the coherent ones had rooms to themselves to prevent them from giving in to the drive to seek out other women for pleasuring, as the virus would force them to. While the ones already too far gone in the later stages of infection were regularly sedated and strapped to gurneys and cots to stop them from lashing out. Space restrictions quickly became an issue, so the staff had to resort to filling rooms with several restrained infected.

This seemed to drive them into a worse frenzy when the sedation wore off, being so close to other females made them violently thrash trying to get to one another. If it weren't so nightmarish, it would have seemed cruel, given it seemed like it physically pained them to be apart from total strangers. Women to women, no less.

Many of them had been called in or dragged to the hospital by their own husbands or boyfriends. These were not previously gay women, these were housewives, mothers, sisters, and daughters; typical heterosexual women, according to their history and families. Didn't matter, the virus turned them all into unquenchably thirsty, lusting, horny lesbians.

Many of said husbands and boyfriends also checked themselves in, given they had all experienced the flu-like symptoms and nose bleeds. The symptoms were nothing short of bizarre, it's really not a wonder why so many - those who hadn't witnessed it first hand, disbelieved it was an actual virus. Without seeing the forming drooling mess it made them first hand or seeing their baffled families... It seemed fantastical, but yet there it was, happening.

All the rooms were constantly being flooded with newly infected, but all of the staff had to wear face masks, given they weren't sure yet how it was spreading so quickly. It was Doctor Boris's orders, though it was originally to get a mask on all the patients... That didn't go over too well for sick women who came in at varying degrees of mental awareness. Forcing a facemask on someone who's mentally unstable, or completely gone to the sexual frenzy is not as easy as it sounds. Keeping it on them was a whole other story.

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