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The sunset cast brilliant shades of pink and various shades of reds, ironically the colors of the lesbian pride flag. This wasn't something to celebrate this time however, the world was now set on a snowballing path of destruction, clocked to a rate no one could truly anticipate.

With the last rays of sun vanishing over the city's horizon, so went with it what was left of normality for many.

"The apartments are upstairs - our living room isn't much for size, but the couch is really comfortable..." Sarah said, realizing as she spoke that Bristol was at least four or five inches taller than her tiny stature, standing in at only 5'4.

So what would have been a perfect bed for her, wasn't quite the right size for the taller woman unless she liked sleeping in the fetal position.

"Or... Actually, you can just take my room if you want and I'll take the couch. I don't mind- I like sleeping in there anyway." the young brunette corrected herself, trying to be as hospitable as possible.

The thought of offering up her now empty parent's room genuinely did not cross her mind. Something's are just too awful to fully sink in all the way.

"That's alright. I'd actually rather stay down here to keep watch. I imagine looters are a possibility, so someone needs to protect this place." the officer said, looking over at all the large windows and double glass doors.

Sarah's eyes went wide, things were already bad but hearing they had the potential to get even worse was a little worrying.

The young woman swallowed dryly glancing at the windows and hating the shocking fear of uncertainty creeping up into her throat. Trying to be brave, she remembered she was second in line now to be a woman of the house...

So she mentally promised herself to try and expect the worse and aim for the best, that way she could avoid feeling taken off guard. Promising not to be afraid would be a lofty stretch, but she got herself this far.

"But if I could get some blankets and a pillow or two, that would be great. I'll just make a pallet behind the counter there. Out of sight, give me a good vantage point." Bristol said.

"You might have company then, Sarah likes to come down here, sometimes at ungodly hours to read or whatever," Eliana added half teasingly, spark fading however when she realized the waters she'd just stacked there a few hours previous now needed to be moved elsewhere. At least she would have helped move them this time, so it wouldn't be that bad.

That night, Sarah didn't end up coming downstairs though. True after the tiring events of the day, sleeping a little earlier than normal aka before midnight, was very attractive. Though that wasn't the main reason. It didn't feel the same, being home. Even with the comfort of her fan, now on and set to its highest mode. Breeze licking at her exposed lightly tanned flesh - she had gotten in bed with only her bra and pair of dirty panties she'd discarded in the bathroom early in the day... Not fully going nude given they had a guest now, tempting given how sticky and wet with sweat between her legs had gotten from the day, she'd make do with this. With all these small comforts, it still felt wrong. Sarah's mind pressing on how uncomfortable it must be in the basement turned her wondering thoughts to how her father was... Wherever he was in the world. Either way, he was an asshole, but still, her father even if he didn't act that way anymore. She turned over in bed, letting her exposed back to take the full flow of mildly cooling air, shutting her eyes.

Slowly sleep faded the scattered thoughts and worries pulling her away from the harsh realities, when a low sound that couldn't be ignored arose from somewhere far beyond her window.

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