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Sarah moaned, rubbing her slightly bruised temple. It hurt so much, not sure of where she was or how she got there... She might have been out for seconds or even minutes. Remembering what was happening, her eyes shot open in fear.

The rush of people, the screams, and the dismay, all of it was gone - dead silence. A cold shiver went down Sarah's spine, it felt terrifying to be so completely alone, even the eardrum piercing screech of that damn wailing alarm would have been preferable to the deafening silence that replaced it.

Pushing up to survey the empty hall, assignments, and books were scattered everywhere along with blood splatters and liquid from who knows what. Her head pounded, that foot had really done a number on her, and she got up slowly as to not pass out from the slight spin of vision. Wait - not silent after all...

Sickly groans echoed in from around the corner, the more consciously aware she became, and the more she heard. Lower, softer maybe but it was definitely there, it wasn't just one voice either, several voices she realized were moaning what seemed to be all around her - and they were all female voices.

Supporting herself with a hand against the wall, the horrifying realization that she was now alone was far worse: Surrounded by the infected. The stairwell hadn't been much farther, figuring it would still be the best bet, given it would be silent to use, and she crept slowly down the hallway, clinging to the edge of the wall as though it somehow concealed her body.

Reaching the edge of the hall, Sarah braced herself taking in a deep breath before peeking around the corner. Her eyes fell on three women spread across the floor in front of the stairwell entrance. Mostly naked, only sporting what remained of their ripped-up shredded clothes, they had been deeply engaged in carnal intercourse. Legs tangled two of them whilst atop of a woman who bared a sublime pair of breasts, both suckling her nipples and stroking each other down south. Sarah wanted to vomit but kept her disgust quiet retracting her head.

"They didn't see me - I'm trapped!" she whispered to herself before realizing, squeezing her eyes shut scolding herself for making noise.

She'd need to be as silent and unseen as a mouse if she were to make it out of this mess in one piece.

"Ok, the stairs are out... Need a new plan." she thought, the only other option would be to get back to the elevators.

Not a good plan, but they should at least be empty now, still, at this point, they were on the other side of the damn building, chances of making it there unseen were slim. Given that there was likely to be more infected women there too having fallen to this disgusting affiliation.

Taking a different route and padding quickly but silently, she passed an open break room door, not daring to look inside she simply rushed past it. Though she saw movement in there out the corner of her eyes, her heart skipped a beat when the loud crashing of a chair being knocked over met her ears, followed by a vicious carnal moan. This was bad. Any plans to be quiet now were fucked, as Sarah bolted, now hotly perused by a ravaging infected. Not knowing which way was safe, she ran without direction, the only purpose being to getaway.

The pain in her leg became more apparent now, with each step pushing her forward.

"BreE- eAs- Sstt!!" broken from running, the word and labored groans trailing behind her rang in, surely alerting every other infected in the area.

"Shit!" Sarah had to get out of the open and fast.

Unsure of which rooms housed infected and which rooms were empty, she bolted inside a closed door, pressing her body against it. Her leap of faith on picking that door had been lucky and thankfully absent of any raging lesbians.

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