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"I didn't know where you had gone after that..." Stacy went on in a shaky voice.

It wasn't the same voice Bristol had known and loved to joke around with back at headquarters... Something in her had been broken over the last month and she was afraid to ask what.

"I met them not long after..." Stacy went on, not daring to look in the direction the group had been walking away from.

They had covered at least a block at this point, but the fear of even looking back that way was too great for the naked, once so fierce, officer. A pause encompassed them all, even Anya didn't dare to interrupt and her itching need to ask about where they were going had been killing her before Stacy started telling her story.

"They aren't real military... They have on costumes, it's how they fooled me into trusting them." Stacy scoffed bitterly. "They're just in it to survive, they don't care about anyone, even if it means..." the brunette directed off, unable to finish.

Clearly, she'd undergone major traumas. Looking down at her pitiful dirty, naked figure, Bristol felt her heartache. The woman had been walking with her arms folded over her bare chest, doing little to cover it. Who knows how long she'd been forced to walk around naked with that fake military BDSM cult, or what she had to endure watching what happened to her fellow "bait walkers" being taken by the infected, to keep the bastard ringleaders safe, the whole thing was sick.

Bristol couldn't, she didn't want to think about all the horrors her friend had gone through... Because she failed to help her in that alley.

"I know this doesn't mean much... But I'm so sorry, Stacy." The taller woman uttered with every ounce of sincerity she owned. Taking off her damp tank top, Bristol's large endowments cupped only in a black bra sprang free into the hot air of the day, handing the white tank top to her friend.

Stacy's eyes widened, horridly putting on the top not even caring that it was already damp with sweat, she was sweating too, so it would only mix in with her own. She tugged it down as low as possible trying to cover her ass with it too, causing her to have major cleavage from the top. Still didn't do much to cover her rear, given her ass peaked out a little with each step, her clean-shaven neat little pussy was slightly visible from the front too, but the top was something at least.

"Thank you..."

Feeling both guilty and almost obligated, Jaclyn did the same for the other naked woman who had silently been walking with them. Jaclyn didn't have the same massive bust Bristol did, but she would still be considered well off by average standards. Taking off her form-fitting shirt, she'd wished she'd worn her sports bra today and not the lacy white one - that would have felt less revealing. But a person doesn't expect to need to strip in the street for naked strangers when they wake up in the morning. So her undergarment error wasn't something one could have really anticipated.

The woman took it, nodding shyly without making real eye contact, slipping it on over her small breasts. Unlike Stacy's shirt, this one didn't cover her ass at all, leaving her bottom half completely exposed. The others tried not to notice, to at least allow her some semblance of dignity.

"Uh, you're welcome..." Jaclyn said, a little perturbed at the lack of verbal gratitude, she'd just given her the clothes off her own back after all...

"She... She doesn't speak. I think she's mute." Stacy said softly, looking back at Jaclyn.

"Oh." The redhead's fiery eyebrows rose in surprise, instantly feeling guilty for the sourness.

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