0013: RAIN

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Bristol climbed the roof ladder, another humid hot day, not surprising, but it was still less intense than the day before. The sky was overcast, Bristol took in the grey rolling clouds once she reached the top finally glad the blanket weather had tucked the sun away during her shift. Having been a local of Southern California all her life, the officer knew how rare wet weather was. So she didn't expect anything of it.

"Alright Anya, I'm here," Bristol said, stepping over to hand the Russian woman an icy cold Lemon soda.

Anya was sweating from head to toe, it really became clear when the woman slowly stood up from her reclined pool chair that her back had coated the plastic chair in it... Bristol noticed and wished she'd bought a towel or something with her to sit on.

"Ah, thank you," Anya muttered, opening the can and quickly gulping down its contents faster than she should have, probably earning a cold headache.

"You alright?" Bristol asked, the woman looked a little disorientated, but replied she was fine.

This is why shifts only last a couple of hours, too much heat really isn't good. For a beat, the officer worried about Anya making it down the ladder safely, but as she walked off towards it, she didn't seem unsteady, so that thought was dismissed.

Back in the wonderful darkness of Anya's apartment, she shut the door, sighing deeply. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, the woman made for the tiny bathroom, flipping on the light. The vanity reflected how pale she'd become, just the opposite of what she should be, with all the sun the past few days. She opened the mirror. The supplies from the hospital run had worn thin. Even though Alice had taken away a backpack full of items from the hospital... There was only half a bottle of what Anya needed in the oncology room when they raided it. Anya picked up the white bottle from her vanity. Only one pill left, the sound of the last brown capsule scraped along the inside of the bottle, as she unscrewed the cap... The room felt like it was spinning, she had to hold onto the sink to keep from falling. Bristol was right, she wasn't well... But it wasn't from the heat.

"If I had one day left... I wish I could find love." Not realizing the irony in her words, Anya closed her eyes, tipping her head back, she swallowed the last half pill.


"Nurse!" Anya's eyes snapped to attention, she hid the papers she'd been reading, hastily making eye contact with Doctor Boris.

"Yes sir?" the grey-eyed beauty answered in Russian.

"Room 409 needs an IV change." the doctor said, stress kissing his words.

"Alright," she answered, whirling from what she'd just read.

Anya stood promptly, making her way towards room 409. Not having been used to the situation of the insatiable horny - restrained - lesbian infected patients, she fumbled with the IV. Only realizing her mistake of placing the tube on her patient's chest a bit too late. The raging lesbian jerked the tube she'd been holding to change the IV, causing the frail woman to stumble towards. It all happened so fast, the fall, the brush of a kiss the infected woman managed to graze across her lips. Anya jumped backward, eyes wide, she wiped her mouth gingerly. The top-secret notes she'd snuck and read, stated this virus when in women, attacked their estragon first, causing their brains to go haywire causing the hormones to overload. Quickly thinking, Anya ran to the only place she could think of: Oncology.

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