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Anya's pink lips turned in a slight downward smile, from what came into view. Heart speeding up slightly, she turned the dial of the binocular lens bringing the disturbing image into focus.

Six blocks away in one of the grey mundane looking apartment complexes, the top-floor mini blinds moved. Anya wasn't sure what she had seen at first but was sure it was some sort of movement. Maybe it was another group of people waiting it out, or maybe...

Not wanting to jump to conclusions, though any number of possibilities resulted badly in Anya's head. The fewer people around their vicinity the better. They hadn't been hit by raiders yet but given the world came to a crashing halt, it wasn't an impossibility. Food supplies would run low, not to mention the power outage from the city. Which in turn made Eliana's building a goldmine, for power and resources - making both the healthy and the infected threats to be kept at bay. They had stockpiled a load of diesel barrels they had collected from abandoned vehicles, extending the lifespan of the backup generator for several months.

She furrowed her brows glancing at all the building's top floor windows, it seemed dead again. Just when Anya had begun to chalk up the movement to heat exhaust from sitting on the apartment's roof for too long... It happened again, this time the blinds in the second window, not so subtly thrashed as if they were being struck by something out of view.

Anya held her breath without realizing, trying to steady the wobbly binocular view. This time, however, it was apparent what the cause was. Two, no, three figures, stood on the other side of the now crumpling blinds which shortly fell to the floor fully revealing them all. It was a pair of clearly half-naked women harshly making out, one of them had their back tightly pressed against the window as a third woman bobbed in and out of view at the side halfway between them. She had most of her clothes still on and Anya couldn't tell what she was doing, that is until she pulled away.

Mouth overflowing with liquid, at first she thought it was all drool, but the expensive spyglass made it clear that the messy liquid spilling down the woman's chin and down between her breast was white - she had been sucking breast milk from the other two women. The realization of this churned Anya's stomach, but she didn't look away. The two heavily lip-locked women were awkwardly humping one another against the glass, they had gone into a horrifyingly animal-like love-making frenzy.

After so many fumbled thrusts, the window cracked in a spider-webbed pattern from the black-haired woman's ass hitting so hard, which in turn obstructed Anya's view. She thought they may actually break it without noticing, lost in their heat, and fall to their deaths. Had Anya been any less of a woman, she would have probably even wished it on them. The unmistakable red color of blood lightly tainted the window from the more submissive woman's back, it didn't seem to stop her from lapping at her partner's neck, however. The three of them slowly slid to the floor out of view.

"Hey!" A cheery female voice chimed in from behind, affectively jolting Anya, nearly out of her chair and onto the tar-pitched roof.

"Didn't mean to scare you-" Jaclyn raised both hands up above chest level as though to show she wasn't a threat "just came to relieve you a little early, though you could use a break."

Anya distractedly gave the redhead an attentive smile and accepted the lime soda the woman produced from her shoulder purse.

"Yeah, thanks," Anya said almost a little too rushed.

"Is... Everything okay?" Jaclyn said cautiously taking the binoculars from the Russian woman's free hand.

"Yeah-" she repeated dumbly, she had never been a good liar, then again what she had just witnessed wasn't actually any real threat to them.

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