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The bared woman never broke her gaze, slowly but confidently stepping forward towards the glass that separated them. Sarah inwardly panicked, all cognitive thoughts fled from her mind, more or less like what her body should have been doing. Her full breasts bounced with each step, stopping at the glass to pick up a white towel, she managed to wrap it around her naked body without breaking the contact they both held.

"Did you need something?" The blonde finally spoke, slightly muffled through the glass panel.

Sarah felt her cheeks flush, the fear from only moments ago completely replaced with a thick coat of embarrassment. She broke their eye contact, looking down and away. Stupefied, considering she didn't know anything about this woman before her, other than the obvious - her perfect body.

"No- I, um. S-sorry." Sarah managed to blurt out, not realizing officer Bristol was now coming up beside her, to find out where she had gone off to.

"Who are you talking to?" Bristol said confused, before seeing the woman behind the glass, now shimmying on black cargo pants beneath the hospital bathing towel.

Bristol gasped for a moment, ensuring the movements weren't those of a clumsy infected.

"If I'm going to have an audience, could you at least pay me?" The blonde said in a joking way that almost sounded half-serious.

"Didn't mean to disturb you, we were just on our way," Bristol said turning away and grabbing Sarah's arm, protective instincts kicking in.

Sarah for the first time offered the smallest amount of resistance, unsure why she was even doing it. Honestly, it didn't feel right to just leave another survivor.

"Wait-" she said, shrugging her arm away "Are you alone?" Sarah asked, she could see from the corner of her eye that the woman was working a tan tank top over her head, looking back she just saw her navel being covered.

"Yeah." The woman answered, the word felt like it held more story to it than she was willing to give away.

"Sarah, no. We need to get going, it's getting dark." Bristol said lowly, commanding, it was clear the policewoman didn't trust anything about this situation.

The blonde didn't spend time listening, she was cleaning up her space. She grabbed the mechanical dildo laying on the stretcher without them noticing, tucking it away in one of her pant's large zip pockets, followed by a small flash grenade for protection. By this point the other women came out, Alice trailing behind loaded with medical supplies, sporting a ridiculously weighted down backpack and she didn't look too happy about it either. Emily seemed bemused, but kept it to herself, she had probably dumped extra junk in there they probably didn't even need just for a laugh.

If you couldn't have fun during the apocalypse, what's the point, right? The lightened mood though quickly vanished as the others noticed what was going on. Sarah extended an invitation for the new woman to join them, against Bristol's clear discomfort with the idea.

The blonde cautiously accepted, saying something about not having anything else better to do. Was she ever serious?

The group was about to start heading off in the direction they'd come from, well Alice was anyway, ready to get out.

"Wait. If we go straight down this way, there's a back exit. But we should stop and clean out the food stock first" The blonde said, effectively making Alice feel stupid for not realizing that when it was obvious if there were windows on this side of the building, an exit would also have to be near. The woman tossed everyone a bottle of water, taking one for herself, they finished off the case she'd been rationing perfectly between them all.

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