0010: STACY

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"I still need my medicine-" Anya cut in, dire concern lacing every word.

"Alright Anya, just give us a minute..." Bristol said, her mind whirling. "What happened to you? I thought you were a goner!"

"I..." Stacy parted her cracked lips "I thought I was too... Back in that alleyway..."


Bristol's mouth fell agape looking at the flood of college students wildly pouring out of the large white building, dispersing in every direction. It was like a nightmare, 911 had been called repeatedly by several different teenagers. Insane mixed messages about attacking lesbians, the station didn't really take it seriously but since they had gotten so many calls, it couldn't be treated like a prank. Even if it were some sort of sick prank, the people responsible would need to answer for it anyway, so two patrol cars were sent out to check.

The sheer number of people fleeing in terror was enough for both officers to realize straight away they were well in over their heads. A woman clad in a tattered red dress tackled another wearing a low cut grey tank top, roughly sending them both to the ground, kissing her neck and clumsily fumbling with the struggling woman between her' clothes. Bristol opened the car door and yelled ready to take action.

"Stop right there, police!" She yelled, though her voice was muffled in the shrieks of horror all around her.

The struggling woman stiffened and then began returning the recently clearly unwanted 'affections'.

"What the fuck..." Stacy said, not believing what she was seeing.

"I said freeze!" Bristol repeated, this time it earned both of the riving women's attention, but not the way it was desired. Both of the lust-stricken drooling lesbians broke from their kiss to eye Bristol, as if they wanted to devour her, sending a cold spell over the officer. And she was the one with the gun, but the look they gave her was enough for her to be ever so slightly turned for just an instance.

A particularly loud screaming teenager ran directly past them, breaking their lust glare that had been locked on Bristol... Both women bolted chasing after her down the street.

"I'll take out the suspect in red, you get the one in grey." Stay said looking to Bristol, both officers unhooking their crowd control mace and effectively bolted after the manic women.

The heat of the sun made every step feel like five, the two insane rapey lesbians they were chasing seemed almost completely unaffected by it... Or would have, had it not been for what could only be assumed as 'sweat', shining between their sprinting legs.

Suddenly the two infected seemed to have lost track of their target, splitting up, one ran between two buildings into an alleyway and the other into some sort of art gallery. Stacy was always the fastest runner on the force, no one could ever keep up with her. So while she was a fair distance ahead of Bristol, it was shocking how well the suspect was giving her a run for her money. Literally. Stacy turned sharply, shooting her sprint into the alley after the fleeing suspect. Not liking her partner out of sight, Bristol pushed on, giving it all she had and almost feeling the damn soles of her shoes spark when coming to an abrupt halt at the alleyway's narrow opening.

"Stacy!" Bristol yelled, pointing the large can of mace towards the awful sight.

The woman in red was straddling her partner on the ground, kissing her... Both of them moaned. It was too late.

At least, that's what it looked like. Stacy had folded up both arms in front of her, effectively keeping the infected woman away from her face.

The other infected the two officers had been chasing bolted into the gallery, it surely had people in it. Thinking all was lost, Bristol made the decision to go and stop the other bitch from spreading whatever the hell this was, as much as it hurt to leave her partner.

Stacy groaned, struggling to keep the woman's drool away, some of it nearly fell on her, but the officer is one of the fittest trained fighters managed to muster some source of ungodly strength, flipping the thirsty lesbian off and to the ground. Affectively stunning her if only for a brief moment giving Stacy enough time to stumble back to her feet, her fight or flight instincts kicked in as she sprinted the hell out of there before any more infected turned up; forgetting her walkie-talkie that had fallen off in the kafuffle.

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