005: HEAT

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-Thursday morning-

The sun's early morning rays shattered Sarah's dreamless sleep when the violent thrumming of her cheap mobile phone began vibrating incessantly on the nightstand.

"Ughh...." she groaned, reaching a slender arm out from beneath its resting place under the pillow to turn it off.

"9:30 AM" the phone screen flashed, she had history class at 11:00 AM today and the bus left at 10:30.

"Shit." she'd been up so late last night, she figured setting the alarm later would mean more sleep.

But after only a few measly hours of sleep, she didn't feel any better. Now waking up was painful, she pushed her face deeper into the pillow as if kissing it goodbye before dragging herself out of bed, couldn't miss the bus. For a beat, she thought it might have been better to not have gone to sleep at all at this rate.

At least she wouldn't have been late getting ready. Feet swung over the side of the bed, she sat there trying to mentally wake up and remember her morning dance, her chest heaving with a yawn as she stretched. Toes touched down on the powder blue rug she had beside the bed. It was stained just from where she'd put her sweaty feet so many times.

She stood up, in doing so, she realized how hot it was this morning, short strands of dark hair haphazardly sticking to her face. The air was stagnant and humid, causing her favorite Hello Kitty pajamas to stick to her breasts and back. A little something still left over from her childhood, she had only turned eighteen a few months ago after all.

Many would still consider her a 'child', even though she'd grown considerably in the last few years. Now having budded into a shapely young woman, with curves to prove it.

Her room faced east so the rising sun filtered in obnoxiously into her still partly shaded room. She didn't want to open the drapes or the blinds, enough light was already invading her space as it was, but she did so anyway needing to see better to get ready.

Sarah almost felt like she'd been the one with the hangover, as the offensive daylight flooded in causing her head to hurt. The wooden floor felt sickeningly warm against her feet. Outside would be far worse however with the unrelenting heatwave, one could just about cook their own feet on the sidewalk if left lingering for too long. Of course without shoes, you probably could. If anyone was profiting from this hell-wave weather though, it was the fan companies, given pretty much every house had fans going in at all times. The sales on that must have gone through the roof. Sarah's room was no exception, realizing it wasn't on she figured her mother had come in at some point and turned it off.

Being a single parent meant they were always short on cash, not able to keep up with the bills, so cutting back as much as possible meant making sacrifices here and there. Which often included turning off the fans at night and unplugging the internet after 7:30 PM to keep Eliana off the computer all night. Hell, if poverty was going to kill them, might as well happen when they slept. At this rate though, the heat would finish them off before anything else.

Sarah checked the back of the fan to turn it on, but the switch had been sitting on the 'on' position, unmoving that the off part had already started gathering some dust.

"Another power outage... Great." Sarah moaned, realizing she needed to get moving.

All the fans really seemed to do was blow hot air around anyway. There was little one could do to really cool down the apartment, the downstairs shop however had a slightly better AC, even had those god-sent display refrigerators. When all else failed, she could always open one and stand there, partly wishing she could become one of the fizzy drinks that got to stay in there all day. Until... The thought of someone eventually curling their crusty chap lips around the top and drinking them came to mind, that was gross... Her mind worked in strange ways sometimes.

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