Chapter Twelve: May's Possession

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Felix's body, which was now entirely made of water, dropped to the floor and shot forward. He had no control over his movement. All he could do was hang on for the ride as May raced toward the demon.

When he reached the demon's feet, he rose into a pillar. Every inch of the demon that he touched burned. The demon howled in pain as the water spread across its skin. Within seconds, it had been swallowed completely. It only took another second for the demon to let out one last shriek and crumble into nothing.

Doors opened up and down the hallway. Demons emerged from the shadows. Eleven of them. These ones were smaller and wingless, but they raced toward Arisa, Mason, and Felix's body of water with alarming speed.

Relax, Felix, May said. I got this.

The water arced through the air and struck the closest demon in the chest. It clutched its burning skin as it dropped onto its back. May wrapped the water around its neck until she'd burned a hole clean through.

Mason and Arisa plunged into the fight. Felix wasn't sure how he was seeing the world around him, but he was dimly aware of Mason scrambling to pick up his dagger off the floor nearby, and Arisa picking up Helena's sword.

They two sliced at demons around them. After only a few blows, most demons dropped to the ground and stopped moving. May continued to burn up demons with water, moving between them at a speed that left Felix's head spinning. Not that he had a head anymore. Still, he was dizzy to the point of nausea.

It took a couple of minutes for them to kill all of the demons.

The water that was now Felix moved into a roughly human shape. His body came back in the blink of an eye. He staggered backwards into the closest wall. His clothes were damp, and water dripped from his hair and slid down his skin.

Sorry, I'm a little out of practice, May said. I usually come back completely dry.

"You—you turned into water!" Arisa exclaimed.

Mason took a step back from Felix. "Holy water, at that."

"Wait, I drank holy water?" Felix held a hand to his throat.

Sort of, May said. I need stone to channel my power. That particular stone has sigils on it that convert water into holy water. It would be more potent if you left it in longer, but lucky for us, those demons were pretty weak.

"So, if you turned into water using a regular stone, would you just be regular water?" Felix asked.


"Who's he talking to?" Mason asked.

"My sister," Felix said. He explained May's ability as best as he could. She corrected him a few times, issued a snarky You're welcome, and left his mind.

"I think she wore herself out," Felix said. "I won't be able to do that again anytime soon."

"That's fine, we killed all of them." Arisa handed Helena's sword back to Felix. "It held up well."

"I still think you should strengthen it," Mason muttered.

"I'll look into it," Felix said. "So, what are you going to do now?"

Mason walked a few feet down the hallway and looked up at the ceiling. "Well, I would call it a day, but I'd like to know what drew so many demons to one location."

"Yeah, this was bizarre," Arisa said. "Especially considering the other recent demon attacks in the area."

Something thudded against the ceiling overhead. Felix tensed. "What was that?"

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