Chapter Fourteen: Mason Vs. The Council

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The blade of Helena's sword stung Felix's skin. He drew a few drops of blood from his palm and held out his hand, focusing on the memory of his dad's voice and face and laughter.

Dad materialized in front of him.

"It worked!" Felix sat down on his bed. "Dad, I need your help."

"With psychometry?" Dad asked.

"Sort of. I need you to use my ability for me in front of the council."

Dad frowned and moved to sit next to Felix. "Why do you need me to do it for you? You did a great job with that dagger."

"They're not going to believe my word alone. I have to project that memory in front of them so that I can prove Mason isn't a threat," Felix told him. "Archer said you used to be able to do that. I think you should just take over my body like May did and project the memory for me. Oh, and don't let the council realize you're the one in control."

Dad shook his head. "That doesn't sound like a good idea."


"It's concerning that May was able to take control of you like that. Gideon is in here somewhere, too. Don't forget that." Dad sighed. "If he figures out the rest of us can possess your body, he's bound to give it a try, too."

"But I haven't awakened him," Felix protested.

"He may be powerful enough to break free and enter your mind anyway."

Felix was tired of learning new things to be afraid of. "Okay, maybe it's a risk," he said. "But I can't let the council lock Mason up. Or kill him!"

"When is this meeting?" Dad asked.

"Half an hour." The council had scrambled to set it up as soon as possible after Felix and the others returned from Everett. While Mason was taken to a holding cell, Felix had rushed up to his room to summon Dad.

"I'll sit in your head with you during the meeting, but I'm not going to take control of you," Dad said. "Projecting memories is difficult, but you can do it. I believe in you."

"I sure hope so." Felix leaned back on his hands. "Where are you guys, anyway? When you're not talking to me in my head?"

"We're inside of your soul."

"What's it like in there?" Felix asked.

"You should come see for yourself one of these days."


"You'll learn. Or I'll teach you." Dad rested a hand on Felix's shoulder. "I can feel myself fading. Call me into your head when the meeting begins, okay?"

Felix nodded. Once Dad was gone, he paced back and forth until someone knocked at his door.

"Hey, Kendra," he said with a breath of relief when he answered.

"Ready?" she asked.

Felix grabbed his suit jacket off his chair and shrugged it on. "I guess."

They walked to the throne room in silence. When they were almost to the doors, Felix asked, "What do you think the council will decide?"

"Sorry, Felix. I have no idea what to expect. Archer told me what happened, but you and Arisa will need to tell your side of the story, too." Kendra nodded at the guards as she reached for the door handle. "But if it makes you feel any better, I doubt they'll execute him. We've never seen this happen before. They'll want to study him."

"That still doesn't sound great," Felix muttered.

"There's a slim chance they could let him live here on probation. Similar to you and Arisa. But I wouldn't get my hopes up."

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