Chapter VI: Suspicions

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nov. 21


It was Friday again and for the last week Aries has been helping me get the library in better shape. I spent our time working in the library ignoring how close he stood to me and how often he stared at me when he thought I wasn't looking. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, it was obvious he had some sort of infatuation with me. What I wasn't sure of was what to do about it. I didn't want him to get too attached. I didn't want him to expect something I couldn't give him.

But thankfully for my sanity, Ezra forced his way into the library to join us. The younger boy acted as a buffer.

"I'm gonna be underage drinking tonight-" Ezra stated but was cut off by a harsh punch to the shoulder from his brother. It looked like it hurt but Ezra didn't have much of a reaction. 

"Why are you telling me that, I'm still your teacher." I intoned. My eyes were squinted as I closely read the instruction manual in front of me. I was currently putting together a table while Aries and Ezra carried in a coach and two chairs.

"i just wanted to add a bit of risk to my life by telling you." Ezra said through a yawn. 

He walked over to the coach and laid down, using his hand as a pillow. Aries walked over to me and begun to help me get the pieces together for the table. 

"Why did you beg to come if you weren't gonna help." Aries growled.

Growled? Thats new.

"I wanted to see my favorite teacher, you can't have him all to yourself." Ezra laughed, but his tiredness shone through his voice.

Only a few minutes had passed when Ezra stopped replying to us. It shocked me how easily he could fall asleep. Aries and I continued on the table together, speaking in hushed tones.

"Can you hand me the screwdriver?" I held my hand out to Aries and in little time it was dropped in my hand.

"How did you become a teacher so fast?" Aries spoke as he held one of the table legs in place for me.

"I didn't really like high school, I wasn't the coolest." I smiled bitterly at the memory. "So after my freshman year I switched to homeschool. I guess I just had a lot of time on my hands." 

Aries nodded, taking in what I had said.

"Did you have a significant other back in New York?" Aries asked another question but this time I chocked in response.

Love had always been a shaky topic for me. Ever since I was little I knew I was a bit different. I found that I could find people attractive and even like them. But the moment they liked me back it would send a rushing amount of panic through me, disgust even. Imagine a twelve year old me fearfully running away from his middle-school crush when they told him they liked him.

Lacey always said I'd find the right person, but I never really believed her. And at my age now, I definitely didn't believe her.

"Nope." I said simply, keeping my eyes trained on the screw in front of me. For a moment I considered lying to him. Maybe he would stop liking me if I told him I did have one. Though, I decided against it and told him the truth.

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