Chapter VII: Thomas Stuart

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Nov. 22


I awoke in the library. A cold chill passed my legs, sending chills across the expanse of my body. The library was in the state it had been weeks ago, green ivy draped from the glass paneled ceiling like a canopy. Through the glass panels I could see it was nighttime. The moon was full, much different than the moon I had gone to sleep to that was a skinny crescent. 

"I expected you to be faster, maybe I overestimated you." A feathery voice spoke from behind me. 

Whipping around I came face to face with a rounded faced man. His hair was the color of snow and his face was aged in a kind way. The man's eyes were a pale green. He looked like Ms. Edith. But even then I had learned not to be so trusting, I wanted to wake up. I suddenly felt like a kid again.

As if sensing my discomfort the man quickly tried to ease my anxiety. 

"Don't worry I won't trick you. I'm a spirit not a ghost, I guess I'm too evolved for that." He let out a boisterous laugh.

I smiled faintly, but my guard remained high.

"Thomas Stuart I assume." I offered my hand out to him.

"Correct, and you are the infamous August Taylor." He smiled widely, and accepted my hand shake. His hand was firm, but its coldness was hard to ignore. 

"Infamous?" I quirked a brow at the man.

"You're capable of so much, but you fear yourself." Thomas tilted his head to the side. "I would give you more time if I could, but fate isn't as kind as I am." 

"What's that mean?" Shaking my head, I frowned.

"Well, I can't really tell you either. What's the fun in that." He laughed again, but his eyes held vats of sympathy.

"Then why did you bring me here?" I questioned, beginning to feel both nervous and frustrated. 

"I may not be able to tell you what's coming, but I can prepare you. I did as much as I could before my untimely death." He laughed at the mention of his own death, as if it was a funny accident. "Check the drawers in the library, I left everything I could find for you."

Biting my lip harshly, I nodded, taking in the information that was being given to me. 

"And until next time, good luck my dear. You'll do great." Thomas Stuart smiled, bowing his head to me.

And with that last gesture I awoke from my sleep. 

I gasped, feeling as if the trap of sleep had released me all at once. Feelings of relief and apprehension filled me simultaneously. For the first time the danger that had lived only in my anxious thoughts was upon me. The signs were there, but I ignored them. But with the feeling of Thomas Stuart's icy hand in mine, I could do nothing of the sort.

"You alright?" A deep voice spoke quietly from the spot next to me, making me jolt. I had almost forgotten he was here, but his presence offered me temporary solace. His hand moved to my back, starting a soothing up and down motion. My muscles relaxed at the feeling.

"Bad dream." I mumbled, turning to face Aires.

His eyes were already trained on my face. His hair was even messier than the night before, and the dim orange glow coming from the window created a halo around his figure. By the color casted on the room it must've been morning, the sun had just risen. In the light I could see him clearer. Various moles and scars scattered his strong shoulder. The one that drew my attention the most was a long scar that ran along his left collar bone. 

I succumbed to my urges and ran my finger along the raised skin. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him watching me closely.

"You know, the casual knife fight. No big deal." Aries deadpanned, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Of course, I've been in a few myself." I rolled my eyes and went to get off the bed, but I was quickly pulled steady to the bed.

"I'm sorry for last night. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He apologized, his tone sincere.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're not dead in a ditch somewhere." I spoke in a seemingly unaffected way. "It's not a matter of you making me uncomfortable, it's a matter of me making you uncomfortable."

I finally got off the bed and picked my phone up off the bedside table. 

"I'm not a child." Aries spoke in an unaffected manor as well, the both of us hiding our feelings from the other.

"Keep telling yourself that." I laughed quietly, turning around to face him once more.

"If I'm a child then what are you?" He raised his brow at me. "You're not that old."

I hummed, "Correct, but the main difference is who I am to you. A teacher at your school. That fact remains a major reason as to why we can't be together." 

He didn't respond, instead he stared at me, his eyes boring into mine with some kind of ambiguous negative emotion. Frustration? Anger? 

"I'm gonna shower, when I get out I'm taking you home. Your clothes are in the dryer." I gave him one last smile and disappeared into the bathroom.


The Sunday morning was excessively drab, even more so than usual. But that weather seemed to fit Sundays. I'd rather be tucked under a blanket with the fire place on. Instead, I'm driving with the utmost level of concentration. The roads were extra slippery as it hadn't rained in a couple days.

"Are you leaving town for the break?" Aries asked from beside me, he had been quiet the majority of the ride.

I shook my head. "My mother's are coming to visit me."

Aries hummed in acknowledgment. 

"Are you?" I asked when we hit a red light, turning to look at him.

He shook his head. "Nope."

"Wow, that was so interesting, thanks for the elaboration." 

For the first time in the day a smile appeared on his face. 

"My parents have a dinner every year. The house is always packed, it gives me a headache." Aries sighed, laying his head on the back of the seat.

"Large family?" I smiled before turning back towards the road.

"Something like that. Every year Ezra somehow disappears before the night ends, I've tried and failed." Aries claimed.

"If you told me Ezra could teleport I'd believe." I deadpanned, causing Aries to laugh.

"If Ezra could teleport the world would have ended by now." Aries affirmed with humor in his voice, but something told me he was serious.

The remaining of the drive was silent, but I could feel Aries' eyes on me. I tried my best to ignore it. We arrived at his house soon after, seeing it for the second time I was still surprised by its stature. Aries immediately went to grab the door handle before he paused.

"Thank you." Aries met my eyes before turning away again and exiting the car. I sat frozen for a moment. Once I came back to myself I quickly pulled out of the driveway and continued home. 


author's note: a short chapter with a little bit of a plot twist. what did you think of mr. stuart's appearance and the new bit of information?

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