Chapter XI: Avoidance

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Dec. 6th


My parents went home two days after Thanksgiving and soon after that I went straight back to work. As December rolled in the storms continued and didn't stop. Through the day, and through the night. When I asked if it was normal Sierra simply shook her head.

The kids seemed more refreshed than usual, both because of the break and the weather. One of the girls in my class explained that she felt like she was in a movie. "Feels like I'm in a movie or some shit. My main character moment." She explained as if I was supposed to know what that meant.

Everything settled back to normal with the kids getting their usual work and having to grade multitudes of papers. But then again, the schedule would only be interrupted again in a weeks time for winter break. In just a few days we'd be having the before winter break sleep over in the school.

According to Sierra, a teacher was picked each year to be pranked. The year before Ms. Edith was the one chosen. The students set off a subtle beeping noise while she was on hallway watch. The woman walked the halls trying to find the sound, getting more frustrated as time went on. When she finally located it, she found a classroom covered in toilet paper. Mind you, the students went the easiest on her because they love her so much. But I am a new teacher and it seems, since I'm younger, the students think they can treat me how they treat each other. Maybe a good first step would be to stop wearing converse to work. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

"A few kids in my third period were sick, if it doesn't clear up by the 10th I'm going in a hazmat suit." Alex was laying down on a couch in the teachers lounge, his eyes shut.

"What do they have?" I sat down next to him, my body melting into the couch like butter under sunlight.

Alex chocked, his head raising from the couch. "You probably wouldn't know it, it has to do with like altitude or something."

"Aren't you a science teac-" I raised a brow."

"Can you believe my cousin got married, I'm officially the only single adult in my family." Alex groaned and slapped his hands down onto his face.

"Then go on a date dumbass, spread your wings." I said the words simply, as if it was easy.

From personal experience it was not easy. I had always found it hard to be attracted to people. I could find myself liking someones face or body, but the minute they showed interest in me everything changed. A sense of aversion. With Aries it wasn't like that, and that simply fact made me want to avoid him like the plague.

"It's not that easy dumbass." Alex hit my arm lightly with the back of his hand. "I want to find the one, but its... hard."

"I understand, sadly. Maybe we can just date each other." I deadpanned.

The moment the joke left my lips Alex laughed loudly, his hand flying to clutch his stomach. He laughed for a few more minutes, when he was finally done he patted my leg. "That would never work."

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