Family (Kim and Lewis)

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(Kim's POV)

I stared blankly at the ceiling, trying to blink back tears.

I'd gotten used to sleeping with dreams, because I'd been doing it for sometime now. But everyone once in a while, I'd have a realy bad time when the nightmares would come back again.

Usually, when this happened, Charles was at my side. But this time, he was all the way back in Monaco.

Fear and pain blanketed me in thick layers.

I felt so alone.

Not knowing what else to do, I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts.


(Lewis' POV)

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up in bed, reaching for my ringing phone.

Who the hell would call me at this hour?

Sleepily, I picked it up, not bothering to check the caller ID.



My eyes shot open, all my sleepiness gone.

"Kim. Are you okay?"

"No, Lewis. I'm not. Can-can you come over? I- I'm scared."

My heart tugged. Kim sounded like a little girl, and immediately, I knew what was bothering her.

"I'll be right there. Stay on the phone, don't hang up."

"Okay..." She said in a small voice, making my heart tug again.

I jumped out off bed and rushed to get my shoes, car keys and house keys.

Then, I ran down the stairs and to the garage outside.

"Are you still there, Kim?" I asked her, yanking the car door open and jumping in.

"I'm here." She sounded close to tears, and it hurt badly.

What Kim had gone through as a child, was something no one should ever have to go through. No matter how old, or horrible they were. I had seen first hand what the nightmares did to her, and I'd never wish that on anyone, and Kim would forever have my respect for staying strong through it all.


"Oh, what? Are you okay?" Kim asked in a whisper so soft I nearly didn't hear her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just realised I forgot my shirt."

I heard a breathless laugh on the other side of the line, and briefly, my heart lifted.

"I'm a minute away, can you get the door?"

"Already there." Kim whispered.

And sure enough, I saw her standing in the darkness, her silver eyes shining with unshed tears.

I pulled up in front of her house and jumped out, running towards her.

I reached out and grabbed her in a hug.

"I'm here."

Kim buried her face in my shoulder, and I felt a tear run down my bare skin, giving me goosebumps.

Her body shook with sobs, and my heart tugged harder than ever.

I tightened my grip on Kim.

"Let it all out. I'm here, it's okay. They won't hurt you again."

Kim pulled away sniffling.

Gently, I wiped her eyes.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Much. Thank you, Lewis. Can you stay, though?" She whispered.

I felt myself smile.

"Anything for family."

Kim returned the smile weakly.

"Come on in then. Let's get you a t-shirt."

"Yeah, that'll be good."

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close, closing the door behind us.

"Hey, you know I love you, right? I was totally serious about the sibling thing. And I'm sorry for being a moron after Niki... You know..."

Kim looked up at me.

"I know, Lewis. It's okay. I love you, too."

I squeezed her in a side hug, and kissed the top of her head.

"Let's get to bed now. Or we'll be the sleepy siblings tomorrow." I joked.

Kim smiled.

"You're right. Come on." She pulled me in the direction of the staircase, and up to Niki's room.

She'd kept the place really clean, and seeing it again reminded me of all the sleepovers and the midnight games and the other crazy stuff the three of us used to do together.

Kim let go of me, and threw me a shirt, and as soon as I'd put it on, she pulled me onto the bed and snuggled into me the way we used to cuddle before.

"Good night, Lee-yar." She mumbled.

I smiled at the use of our code language. Kim still remembered it!

I kissed her head again.

"Good night, Kim-yen."

Soon, the room was filled with the sound of her calm breathing, and the last thing I remember was smiling at yet another familiar memory, before I fell asleep as well.

For those who were really curious... 'Lee-yar' is big brother.
                                                                         'Kim-yen' is little sister.

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