One-on-one Interview With Kim

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(Narrator's POV)

"Hi there, Kim! Thank you for coming today. Congratulations on your latest win, by the way!"

The interviewer greeted with a friendly smile.

"Hi! Thank you!"

Kim laughed.

"So, we've organised this because, well, the fans want to know more about their favourite driver. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to ask you a few questions, and if you could answer them, that will be great."

"Sure! Go ahead."

The interviewer smiled and began.

"So, here's the first question. How long exactly have you been racing?"

Kim paused for a moment.

"Ummm, 14 or 15 years."

"Is that including, or not including karting?"

"Not. I've never actually karted, you know."

The interviewer's eyes widened.

"Then how were you racing? Who trained you?"

Kim smiled mysteriously.

"I'm sorry, I'd like not to comment on that."

"That's okay. Next question! So, how are you liking being a Ferrari driver so far?"

"I'm liking it a lot, actually, I'm really enjoying the whole thing. And, I absolutely love racing. So, it's basically a dream come true!"

"That's awesome. You're very very good at your job, anyways! I mean, a P4 on your first race! That's something to be very proud of!"

Kim smiled awkwardly.

"Not really. Now that I know I can win, it seems wrong when people tell me I should be proud of my P4. It's like saying be proud of even your worst work. And, that doesn't seem right. But, thank you, I understand the thought."

The interviewer nodded with a wide smile.

"I get that! And now that you've pointed that you, my respect for you has grown tremendously."

Kim blushed.

"So, what the fans want to know next, is whether you think you have a shot at the championship this year?"

"Yes, I think I do. I may not be a solid contender for it, but I think it's safe to say I have a shot. After all, Max and Lewis are very very good drivers. So, I have some tough competition."

The interviewer nodded.

"On the topic of Lewis Hamilton, the two of you seem to share a close bond. Have you dated or something like that before?"

Kim laughed.

"I'm not sure why everyone jumps straight to dating when it comes to me and Lewis. But, no. We haven't dated. He's just a really old friend. I've known him for quite sometime now."

"Ohhh, that's understandable. And, so cool! Imagine being friends with Lewis Hamilton!"

"It has it's perks." Kim agreed, nodding.

"That's a granted. Anyways, we're almost done here. Is there something going on between you and Charles? The fans love the sizzling chemistry between you."

Kim blushed.

"Oh, no! I'm sure the fans want something between us... But, unfortunately, I'm going to have to cut your happiness in half. Charlie and I are just friends. Sorry, guys!"

The interviewer's smile grew.

"We don't think it's going to stay that way."

Kim laughed.

"I think it will. Let's see."

"Okay, last question, Kim! It's kind of a big one. Are you going to renew your contract for the next season?"

Kim laughed.

"I have no clue. I haven't been told anything, yet. But, I'll give you Mattia's number. You're welcome to speak to him. Also, let me know what he says!"

Kim grinned.

The interviewer laughed.

"Okay, then. That's all folks! Thank you for tuning in to watch this interview. If Kim's willing we may have more of these in the future, but until then, thank you and stay safe!"

"Bye, guys! Thank you!"

The camera stopped rolling, and Kim got up, and shook the interviewer's hand.

"Thank you, I'll see you."

The interviewer nodded respectfully, and smiled.

Then, Kim left while the fans enjoyed the interview.

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