Hero Pt. I (Kim)

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Hey guys! Okay, so light trigger warning for this one, it contains mentions and a case of physical abuse, so please don't read it if it makes you uncomfy...


(Kim's POV)

I walked into work today, not expecting what I found.

Okay, well I should probably explain what I found, right?

Yeah, I should.

So, two kids were running rampant around my driver's room, shouting, and screaming, and turning my space into chaos.

My racing suits were on the floor, my shoes were on the little bed (yuck), papers were scattered across the floor, and my computer was a minute away from being stepped on and smashed.

That did it for me.

"EVERYBODY, STOP!" I shouted.

Immediately, the kids froze, and turned to look at me.

For a second nothing happened, but then panic and fear set in, and the kids' eyes widened.

"Oh my god..." The little girl whispered to her brother, looking extremely guilty.

"We're in trouble." The little boy finished.

"Deeply," I agreed, nodding solemnly.

Immediately, the kids began to cry. And not the loud wailing you'd usually expect, just silent tears, while the two of them huddled together in a sort of protective stance.

Not knowing what else to do, I took a step towards them, only to have them flinch and jump back.

And that's when I noticed it.

Both children had slap marks and bruises all over their little bodies. The boy's lips were even slightly swollen.

Before I could comment, or ask them about it, the door to my driver's room was shoved open, and this guy came barrelling in.

"Where were you?!" He roared at the two children. His eyes were bloodshot and sunken, and he reeked to alcohol.

Behind him, two of our security personnel followed, looking extremely shocked.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, Jaden!" The man shouted again, and he picked his hand up to hit the little boy, while the little boy flinched again.

His hand made a connection with the little boy, and a loud cry went up from the girl, and immediately, the man's attention turned to her.

Her brother moved to protect her and she whimpered.

Again, the man's hand was raised, but this time, I lunged and caught it just before it could touch her.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to please leave before I call the police."

The man sneered at me.

"You? Call the police on me? Mind your own business, girl. This is a family matter."

I hardened my expression.

"This isn't a family matter, sir. This is physical abuse. You can get arrested for this, sir."

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" The man screamed, as he tried to yank his hand away from me, and hit me.

I was faster.

I spun him around using my already strong grip on him, and pinned him against the cupboard.

Then, I motioned to the kids.

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