Over-worked (An Angry Addie And The Gang)

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Kim groaned, loudly. Her body ached so badly, it was numb.

She shifted in her bed, maybe some sleep would help...

Yes, sleep.

Knock knock knock.

Yeah, sleep wasn't going to work.

Again, someone banged on the door, this time the door seemed ready to give way.

"Gosh, just come in! The damn door's unlocked!" Kim whined from her bed.

Addie marched in, like maiden on a mission.

"Get out of bed, now."

"Can't. Too tired. Body aches so badly." Kim moaned from underneath her blanket.

"You're kidding, right? It's Saturday. You promised me we could go out."

"Well, I'm sorry Addie. But, it feels like I'm dying." Now that she thought about it, even Kim's throat felt sore.

Addie yanked the blanket away and felt Kim's head.

"You're burning up. What the hell have you been doing to fall sick?!"

"A lot." Kim groaned.

Her throat burned, and her eyes watered.

"Serves you right. Well, have fun doing some more stuff, I'm outta here!"

"No, Addieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Please, don't leave me alone..." Kim whined.

"Ugh, fine. But, if you're going to recover enough to go shopping, we're gonna need supplies. And, back-up."

Addie yelled at Charles and Irene to quit messing about and report to Kim's bedroom. Then, she gave them a list of instructions so long, Charles' notes app hung, and Irene's hand began to hurt from writing.

Finally, she marched out to go get her 'supplies' while a team of poor, flustered Irene and Charles ran around, trying their best to finish Addie's to-do list before she returned.


"You, are so dead it isn't even funny. Just wait till you recover, I'll send you straight back to bed."

Kim smiled sheepishly.

"I'm serious." Addie sighed, and offered Kim a glass of water and a white tablet. "Take this. It'll help with the fever. As for your throat, we'll get you something for it after you sleep off the first bout."

"The first bout? There's going to be more bouts?!" Kim asked, trying her best to sound as exasperated as she could.

Alas, a sore throat isn't your friend.

"Yeah, well you should have thought a-bout that when you decided to shoulder everyone else's work, and your own. Stupid move by you, Kim." Addie pointed out, looking seriously pleased with her pun.

"Yeah? Well, I'm sure-" Kim's retort was interrupted by a fit of painful coughing.

"Shut up and shut your eyes. I'll come back to check on you later, if you're awake, even Niki and the spirits won't be able to save you."

Kim was too tired, and frankly too scared to argue.

Addie had that effect on people.


Addie, true to her word, did return half an hour later to check on her best friend, and was happy to know that she'd listened, for once in her life.

Addie moved around the room, settling the shelves and wiping away whatever dust she could. She even opened the windows to let some air in, but left the curtains drawn.

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